Explore SCCM Cloud Distribution Point Cloud Management Gateway Content Using Azure Storage Explorer

Let us learn about Explore SCCM Cloud Distribution Point Cloud Management Gateway Content Using Azure Storage Explorer.SCCM Distribution point (DP) package content can be explored using File Explorer.

How can you explore the package content of Cloud DP or CMG? You don’t need to examine and manage storage for SCCM DPs. Instead, these things are automatically handled by SCCM.

However, it’s useful when you have an option to explore the cloud storage using Azure Storage Explorer.


  1. Best Option to Explore Cloud DP or CMG Storage?
  2. What is the Azure Storage Explorer Desktop application
  3. Video Tutorial – Azure Storage Explorer
  4. Install and Configure Azure Storage Explorer
  5. Explore SCCM CDP and CMG

Best Option to Explore Cloud DP or CMG Storage?

Exploring cloud storage without proper tools could reduce productivity. You can use the following options to increase productivity when managing Storage. There are two options to explore the Azure cloud storage used for SCCM CDP and CMG.

Patch My PC
  • Azure Portal -> Storage Explorer (Preview)
  • Download Azure Storage Explorer Desktop Application – Storage Explorer 

When you want to manage multiple Azure storage accounts, the best option is to use the Azure Storage Explorer desktop application. In this post, you go through the Azure Storage Explorer desktop application features.

Azure Storage Explorer
Explore SCCM Cloud Distribution Point Cloud Management Gateway Content Using Azure Storage Explorer 1

What is the Azure Storage Explorer Desktop application?

Azure Storage Explorer is a standalone app that enables you to efficiently work with Azure Storage data for SCCM CDP and CMG package content on Windows, macOS, and Linux devices.

In this post, you learn several ways of connecting to and managing your Azure storage accounts.

I would recommend reading the prerequisite details of Azure explorer from Microsoft docs. Download the Azure storage application.


Video Tutorial – Azure Storage Explorer

Explore SCCM Cloud Distribution Point Cloud Management Gateway Content Using Azure Storage Explorer 2

Install and Configure Azure Storage Explorer

Installation of Azure storage explorer is a straightforward process. There is Windows .NET Framework 4.6.2 or greater requirement for this tool.

Once installed you can log in with your Azure account to access the storage account. Also, you can use certificate-based authentication.

You can use Azure Storage data with RBAC (Preview) to provide proper management of storage accounts through this tool. I would recommend reading the following details to Manage access rights of the Azure storage account

An Azure storage account provides a unique namespace in the cloud to store, and an Azure storage account allows access to your data objects in Azure Storage.

Explore SCCM CDP and CMG

SCCM Cloud DP and CMG content can easily be explored using Azure storage explorer. There are many useful options in this tool, similar to FileZilla. I have explained most of these options in the above video tutorial.

New Folder
Copy URL
Select All
Create Snapshot
Manage Snapshot
Folder Statistics

Azure Storage Explorer
Explore SCCM Cloud Distribution Point Cloud Management Gateway Content Using Azure Storage Explorer 3


Get started with Storage Explorer 

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