Today, we will discuss the ConfigMgr Custom Report for Chrome Browser. Let’s help to analyze the Google Chrome browser installation using ConfigMgr. Also, try to find out how to install the Chrome browser using SCCM.
Let’s try to create a custom report to find Google Chrome versions installed on Windows 10 devices. You don’t need to enable software inventory to get the Chrome browser installation inventory.
Related post – Deploy Google Chrome Update with SCCM Step-by-Step Guide.
Index |
Custom Report for Chrome Browser |
Results – ConfigMgr Custom Report for Chrome Browser |
Custom Report for Chrome Browser
Let’s find out which Chrome browser is installed on Windows 10 devices. The following steps will help you create a custom report for Chrome browsers.
- Open the SQL Management Studio.
- Click on the New Query button.
- Select the CM_MEM database from the drop-down menu.
- MEM is the ConfigMgr site code.
Copy the following SQL query to find the Chrome browser.
- Click on the Execute button.
Select Distinct
v_R_System.Name0 as 'machine',
v_R_System.User_Name0 as 'username',
v_R_System.AD_Site_Name0 as 'Location',
v_R_System.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0 as 'Domain',
v_Add_Remove_Programs.DisplayName0 as 'displayname',
v_Add_Remove_Programs.Version0 as 'Version'
From v_R_System
Join v_Add_Remove_Programs on v_R_System.ResourceID = v_Add_Remove_Programs.ResourceID
Where v_Add_Remove_Programs.DisplayName0 Like '%Google Chrome%'
and v_Add_Remove_Programs.DisplayName0 not Like '%update%'
and v_R_System.Active0 = '1'
Let’s find the results of the query.
Results – ConfigMgr Custom Report for Chrome Browser
Machine | User Name | Location | Domain | Display Name | Chrome Version |
PROD-WIN20 | NULL | Default-First-Site-Name | MEMCM | Google Chrome | 83.0.4103.106 |
- Creating custom report models for Configuration Manager in SQL Server Reporting Services.
- Deploy Google Chrome Update with SCCM Step-by-Step Guide.
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Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP! He is a Device Management Admin with more than 20 years of experience (calculation done in 2021) in IT. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group HTMD Community leader. His primary focus is Device Management technologies like SCCM 2012, Current Branch, and Intune. He writes about ConfigMgr, Windows 11, Windows 10, Azure AD, Microsoft Intune, Windows 365, AVD, etc.
Worked like a charm!! thank you Anoop 🙂
How to get the running status and the version information of a particular software that is present in end point, I tried the following but it just gives me the running status alone but if I try the version it gives me all duplicates
sys.Netbios_Name0, arp.DisplayName0, arp.Version0, arp.Publisher0, arp.InstallDate0
v_R_System sys
left join
v_Add_Remove_Programs arp on sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID
left join
v_FullCollectionMembership C on sys.ResourceID = c.ResourceID
left join
v_GS_SERVICE serv on sys.ResourceID = c.ResourceID
c.CollectionID like ‘SMS00001’
and arp.DisplayName0 like ‘%.Net%’