ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components

Let’s discuss the ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components. I’ve seen loads of questions about the SCCM ConfigMgr Inbox file extensions. Some examples are: What type of files are *.TRG files in the SCCM 2012 Inbox?

I have a backlog of *.UDC files in my SCCM CB, 2012 or 2007 Inbox folder. Can I delete these files? I’m not going to provide answers to these questions.  However, the following table can give us more details about SCCM ConfigMgr 2012 file extensions and the process/thread associated with each type of SCCM file.

Update:– Some of these are still valid for SCCM CB as well..Download the file extension list for offline use from the GitHub gallery here. Pivot the table of Files here. The best way to know more about these SCCM 2012 file extensions and details about the SQL actions that get triggered with each type of file extension is to go into the registry of the SCCM ConfigMgr 2012 primary or CAS server.  

The picture below shows that each trigger, like ActiveDirectoryForests_HMAN, can provide information. For example, ActiveDirectoryForests_HMAN contains this load of information ::: This is exciting information for me. I don’t know what you feel. Is this valuable information in some troubleshooting?

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ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components
ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components – Fig.1

ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components

Let’s discuss the ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components. The table below provides more details.

ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components - Fig.1
ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components – Fig.1

ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components.

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”ForestID

ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components - Fig.2
ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components – Fig.2
SCCM 2012 File ExtensionsTrigger NameSCCM 2012 Thread Service
.TRGActiveDirectoryForests_HMANHierarchy Manager
.TRGActiveDirectoryForests_SITECOMPSite Component Manager
.ALEAlertForTrigger_ALEAlert Notification Inbox
.ALTAlert_ALTAlert Notification Inbox
.RCMArticleData_RCMReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.AUCAutoClientUpgradeConfigs_UPD_HMANHierarchy Manager
.BNDBoundaryEx_EventDiscovery Data Manager (Notification)
.TRGBoundaryEx_HMANHierarchy Manager
.BNDBoundaryGroupMembers_EventDiscovery Data Manager (Notification)
.TRGBoundaryGroupMembers_HMANHierarchy Manager
.BNDBoundaryGroup_EventDiscovery Data Manager (Notification)
.TRGBoundaryGroup_HMANHierarchy Manager
.CTNCategoryNotify_iudObject Replication Manager
.CFECFDGo_INS_UPD_HMANHierarchy Manager (CFD)
.CIACIAssignmentNotify_iuObject Replication Manager
.CINCINotify_iudObject Replication Manager
.CINCI_ApplicationModelInfo_CINotifyObject Replication Manager
.CIACI_AssignmentTargetedCIs_CIAMGRObject Replication Manager
.CINCI_ConfigurationItemRelations_Flat_From_iudObject Replication Manager
.GCSClientAgentProperty_Value_iudObject Replication Manager
.OPAClientOperation_iuObject Replication Manager
.GCAClientSettingsAssignments_iuObject Replication Manager
.GCSClientSettings_iudObject Replication Manager
.CSDCloudSubscription_CSDReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.RECCRP_CertRevokeCertificate Manager
.LQUCurrentSiteSQL_AddUpd_HMANHierarchy Manager
.ICPDataLdr_InventoryActionClient Data Files Source Directory
.ICPDataLdr_InventoryClassClient Data Files Source Directory
.ICPDataLdr_InventoryClassPropertyClient Data Files Source Directory
.RISDataLdr_RemoteInvSchemaClient Data Files Source Directory
.MDADeviceAction_iu_CertMgrCertificate Manager
.DSNDeviceSettingItemNotify_iudObject Replication Manager
.CRVDiscPropertyDefs_Ins_DDMDiscovery Data Manager (Notification)
 DiscProps_Add_SMSProvSMS Provider
.INSDistributionPoints_InsDistribution Manager
.INSDistributionPoints_UpdDistribution Manager
.DPNDPNotify_ADDDistribution Manager
.DPUDPNotify_UpgradeDistribution Manager
.INSDPNotify_Upgrade_InsDistribution Manager
.NOTDP_Properties_UpdDistribution Manager
.EUNEULANotify_iudObject Replication Manager
 GroupMap_Add_SMSProvSMS Provider
.RCMInitPackageRequest_RCMReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.ITOInteropBlockList_AddDel_HMANHierarchy Manager
.CFEMDMCFDFeature_UPD_HMANHierarchy Manager (CFD)
.RSBMDMDeviceManagementStates_Local_INS_UPD_HMANHierarchy Manager
.MIGMIG_Job_MIGMigration Manager Inbox
.SYNMIG_SiteMapping_SYNMigration Manager Inbox
.MRUMonitoringRole_UPD_HMANHierarchy Manager
.CRPNDESCertificates_iud_CRPCertificate Manager
.RQUOtherSiteSQL_AddUpd_HMANHierarchy Manager
.RQDOtherSiteSQL_Del_HMANHierarchy Manager
.PKNPkgNotify_AddDistribution Manager
.PRNPkgPrograms_G_Avail_iuObject Replication Manager
.OANProgramOffers_G_Avail_iuObject Replication Manager
.PULPullDPResponse_UpdInsDistribution Manager (Incoming)
.ROARAXSubNotify_iudObject Replication Manager
 RBAC_Admins_ins_del_SMSProvSMS Provider
.RBCRbac_Sync_ChangeNotificationHierarchy Manager
.RCMRCM_DrsInitializationTracking_RCMReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.RIURecoveryInfo_UPD_HMANHierarchy Manager
.RCMReplicationData_RCMReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.RULRules_iudRule Engine
.RAUSCCMAutoUpdates_RAUReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.RCMServerData_RCMReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.SCUSiteControl_AddUpd_HMANHierarchy Manager
.CT0SiteControl_AddUpd_SiteCtrlSite Control Manager (Master Site Control File)
.SCASiteCtrlNot_Add_DDMDiscovery Data Manager (Notification)
.SCDSiteCtrlNot_Del_DDMDiscovery Data Manager (Notification)
.SDDSiteDefinition_DEL_HMANHierarchy Manager (Forwarding messages)
.SATSiteDefinition_INS_HMANHierarchy Manager (Forwarding messages)
.EXPSiteExpansion_INS_HMANHierarchy Manager
.SPKSiteKey_ADDUPD_HMANHierarchy Manager
.SHASiteNotif_AIKbMgrAsset Intelligence KB Manager
.SHASiteNotif_iu_WCMWSUS Configuration Manager
.SHASiteNotif_Upd_DDMDiscovery Data Manager
.SHASiteNotif_WSyncMgrWSUS Sync Manager
.SR1SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR1Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)
.SR2SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR2Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)
.SR5SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR5Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)
.SSCSiteServerUpdate_AddUpd_HMANHierarchy Manager
.CEUSiteSQLCert_ADDUPD_HMANHierarchy Manager
.SQRSiteSQLService_Restart_HMANHierarchy Manager
.IPKSiteStatus_UPD_HMANHierarchy Manager
.CMNSiteSystemNotification_iu_CertMgrCertificate Manager
.SSUSites_AddUpd_HMANHierarchy Manager
.CMSSites_Add_CertMgrCertificate Manager
.SSDSites_Del_HMANHierarchy Manager
.ITCSites_Interop_Update_HMANHierarchy Manager
.PANSMSPackages_G_Avail_iuObject Replication Manager
 SMS_Advertisement_del_SMSProvSMS Provider
 SMS_Advertisement_ins_upd_SMSProvSMS Provider
 SMS_Alert_ins_upd_SMSProvSMS Provider
 SMS_Alert_upd_SMSProv_AlertForTriggerSMS Provider
 SMS_Collection_del_SMSProvSMS Provider
 SMS_Collection_ins_upd_SMSProvSMS Provider
 SMS_Package_del_SMSProvSMS Provider
 SMS_Package_ins_upd_SMSProvSMS Provider
.DVCSqlControlProperty_DViewReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.RSCSqlControlProperty_RCMReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.SBPSQLServerSSBPORT_UPD_HMANHierarchy Manager
.SSRSR_SingleSummaryRequest_ins_updState System
.RUNSR_SummaryTasks_updState System
.CSBSubNotify_d_WCMWSUS Configuration Manager
.CSBSubNotify_iu_WCMWSUS Configuration Manager
.SYNSyncNotif_WSyncMgrWSUS Sync Manager
.TSTTestConnection_TSTAlert Notification Inbox
.SCNUpdSrcNotify_iudObject Replication Manager
.RCMViewData_RCMReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.TASKAzure_CloudServicesTask_CloudMgr_insCloud Services Manager Inbox
.SVCCERTAzure_Service_CloudMgr_ServiceCert_UpdCloud Services Manager Inbox
.CSCCcarSiteControl_AddUpd_PolicyPVPolicy Provider
.CEPCEP_ADD_UpdCollection Evaluator
.CITCINotify_TSApp_PolicyPv_iudPolicy Provider
.CPBClientPushMachine_G_InsertClient Configuration Record (Incoming)
.CPBClientPushMachine_G_Update_SiteClient Configuration Record (Incoming)
.GCAClientSettingsAssignments_iuObject Replication Manager
.CSVCloudServiceVersion_EventLicense Manager Inbox
.CSDCloudSubscription_CSDReplication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox
.CMNCollection_DelOffer Manager
.ADCCollG_AddCollection Evaluator
.DCCollG_DelCollection Evaluator
.UDCCollG_UpdCollection Evaluator
.CMNColl_Add_OFFERMGROffer Manager
.IACConfigMOF_iuPolicy Provider
.CPCCP_SC_Component_Properties_UpdateClient Configuration Record (Incoming)
.CRPCrpCertChg_NotifyPolicy Targeting Evaluator
.CRPCrpChange_Notify_insPolicy Targeting Evaluator
.CRPCrpResourceChg_NotifyPolicy Targeting Evaluator
.CRPCrpUserChg_NotifyPolicy Targeting Evaluator
.ICPDataLdr_SitesClient Data Files Source Directory
.NSADeviceSiteReassignment_ChgPolicy Provider
.UXDDISCChangeNotifications_insdelPolicy Targeting Evaluator
.CRVDiscPropertyDefs_Ins_DDMDiscovery Data Manager (Notification)
.IACInventoryAction_ChgPolicy Provider
.LPKLanguagePackStatus_ALL_HMANHierarchy Manager
.SLKLicenseKeys_EventLicense Manager Inbox
.LICLicenseRelation_ChgPolicy Provider
.CRTMDMCertificates_EventLicense Manager Inbox
.MEPMEP_ADD_UpdPolicy Provider
.SRCMPAdd_upd_PolicyPvPolicy Provider
.SRCMPDel_upd_PolicyPvPolicy Provider
.SRCMPInfoChg_upd_PolicyPvPolicy Provider
.MRNMtrRule_ChgPolicy Provider
.SCENDES_upd_PolicyPvPolicy Provider
.OFNOfferNotify_AddOffer Manager
.DELOffer_DelOffer Manager
.DPNPeerDPResMap_dPolicy Provider
.DPNPeerDPResMap_iuPolicy Provider
.CMNPolicyTargetEvalNotify_ColMember_iuPolicy Targeting Evaluator
.CCNPolicyTargetEvalNotify_iudPolicy Targeting Evaluator
.SRCPortalInfoChg_upd_PolicyPvPolicy Provider
.SRCPortalInfo_del_PolicyPvPolicy Provider
.CATPortalInfo_upd_PolicyPvPolicy Provider
.ADPreEnrollmentRecords_EventEnrollment Active Directory Service Inbox
.MPCERTSC_SysResUse_Property_CloudMgr_MPCert_InsUpdCloud Services Manager Inbox
.PROXYSC_SysResUse_Site_Server_Site_System_Property_UpdCloud Services Manager Inbox
.CTOServerData_Upd_SiteCtrlSite Control Manager (Master Site Control File)
.CASSiteControl_CAS_Upd_SiteCompSite Component Manager
.SHASiteNotif_Upd_OfferMgrOffer Manager
.MPDELSysResList_CloudMgr_delCloud Services Manager Inbox
.RUCSysResUse_Property_AddUpd_HMAN_SRSHierarchy Manager
.CPCSystem_SMS_Assign_ARR_InsertClient Configuration Record (Incoming)
.UEPUEP_ADD_UpdPolicy Provider
.UKSUnknownToKnownSystem_UpdPolicy Provider
.STNUpdSyncStatus_iuPolicy Provider
.UDAUserMachineRelation_ChgPolicy Provider
.UDAUserMachineSourceRelation_ChgPolicy Provider
.UDAUserMachineTypeRelation_ChgPolicy Provider
.WRCWebServiceInfoChg_upd_PolicyPvPolicy Provider
.AHCAIHinvClass_Upd_DataldrClient Data Files Source Directory (SCCM 2007)
.CTNCategoryNotify_iudObject Replication Manager (SCCM 2007)
.CEPCEP_ADD_UpdCollection Evaluator (SCCM 2007)
ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components – Table 2

Registry Keys of SCCM 2012 primary server

Let’s discuss the Registry Keys of the SCCM 2012 primary server. The section below helps you show the Registry Keys of the SCCM 2012 primary server.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“Polling Directory”=””
“SMS Primary Site”=””

Action”=”Insert, Update
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
File Extension”=”TRG
“Key Name”=”ForestID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Site Component Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”ForestID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Alert Notification Inbox”
“File Extension”=”ALE”
“Key Name”=”AlertID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted left join deleted on inserted.AlertID = deleted.AlertID where (ISNULL(inserted.AlertState, ‘-‘) <> ISNULL(deleted.AlertState, ‘-‘)) AND ISNULL(inserted.AlertState, ‘-‘) = ‘A’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Alert Notification Inbox”
“File Extension”=”ALT”
“Key Name”=”AlertID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted left join deleted on inserted.AlertID = deleted.AlertID where (inserted.Enabled <> deleted.Enabled AND inserted.Enabled = 1) OR (inserted.SkipUntil <> deleted.SkipUntil))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ArticleName”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”AUC”
“Key Name”=”ClientVersion”

“Target Service”=”Cloud Services Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”TASK”
“Key Name”=”TaskId”
“Filter”=”exists(SELECT 1 FROM inserted WHERE SiteCode = dbo.fnGetSiteCode())”

“Target Service”=”Cloud Services Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”SVCCERT”
“Key Name”=”AzureServiceId”
“Filter”=”exists(select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.AzureServiceId = deleted.azureserviceid where inserted.ServiceThumbprint <> deleted.ServiceThumbprint AND inserted.SiteCode = dbo.fnGetSiteCode() and inserted.State not in (1, 3, 99))”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”BND”
“Key Name”=”BoundaryID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”BoundaryID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”BND”
“Key Name”=”BoundaryID,GroupID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”BoundaryID”
“Filter”=”GroupID in (select GroupID from BoundaryGroup where DefaultSiteCode in (select SiteCode from Sites where SiteCode=dbo.fnGetSiteCode() or ReportToSite=dbo.fnGetSiteCode()))”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”BND”
“Key Name”=”GroupID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”GroupID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CTN”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”CSC”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode = N’CAS’ and not exists (select 1 from TableChangeNotifications where Component=N’CcarSiteControl_AddUpd_PolicyPV’ and Key1=N’CAS’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”CEP”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIA”
“Key Name”=”AssignmentID”
“Filter”=”ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIN”
“Key Name”=”CI_ID”
“Filter”=”ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”CIT”
“Key Name”=”CI_ID”
“Filter”=”(CIType_ID not in (1, 2, 6, 8, 9)) and (IsLatest = 1 or IsTombstoned = 1) AND ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIN”
“Key Name”=”CI_ID”
“Filter”=”EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM CI_ConfigurationItems ci WHERE ci.CI_ID=inserted.CI_ID AND ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()) AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM deleted d WHERE d.CI_ID=inserted.CI_ID AND d.Featured!=inserted.Featured)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIA”
“Key Name”=”AssignmentID”
“Filter”=”ActualCI_ID is not null”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIN”
“Key Name”=”FromCI_ID”
“Filter”=”RelationType != 7”

“Target Service”=””
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=””

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”GCS”
“Key Name”=”ClientSettingsID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”OPA”
“Key Name”=”ID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsCas() = 0 AND State in (0, 1)”

“Target Service”=”Client Configuration Record (Incoming)”
“File Extension”=”CPB”
“Key Name”=”PushSiteCode”
“Filter”=”PushSiteCode=N’PRI’ and not exists (select 1 from TableChangeNotifications where Component=N’ClientPushMachine_G_Insert’ and Key1=inserted.PushSiteCode)”

“Target Service”=”Client Configuration Record (Incoming)”
“File Extension”=”CPB”
“Key Name”=”Status”
“Filter”=”Status=0 and PushSiteCode=N’PRI’ and not exists (select 1 from TableChangeNotifications where Component=N’ClientPushMachine_G_Update_Site’ and Key1=inserted.Status)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”GCA”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”GCS”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”License Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”CSV”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”CSD”
“Key Name”=”UniqueID”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“File Extension”=”CMN”
“Key Name”=”SiteID”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”ADC”
“Key Name”=”SiteID”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”DC”
“Key Name”=”SiteID”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”UDC”
“Key Name”=”SiteID”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”ADC”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“File Extension”=”CMN”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”DC”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”UDC”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Action”=”Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”IAC”
“Key Name”=”MOFName”

“Target Service”=”Client Configuration Record (Incoming)”
“File Extension”=”CPC”
“Key Name”=”Value3”
“Filter”=”dbo.FnIsAnyClientPushActive(N’PRI’)=1 AND inserted.Name=N’AutoInstallSiteSystem’ AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component=N’CP_SC_Component_Properties_Update’)”

“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”CRP”
“Key Name”=”CI_ID”

“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”CRP”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”CRP”
“Key Name”=”DeviceItemkey”

“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”CRP”
“Key Name”=”UserItemkey”

“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”REC”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”LQU”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber,dbo.fnGetSiteSystemName(NALPath)”
“Filter”=”SiteNumber=dbo.fnGetSiteNumber() AND RoleTypeID IN (SELECT RoleTypeID FROM SC_RoleType WHERE RoleName = ‘SMS SQL Server’) AND UPDATE(NALPath)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“File Extension”=”ICP”
“Key Name”=”ActionID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, distinct”
“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“File Extension”=”ICP”
“Key Name”=”ClassID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, distinct”
“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“File Extension”=”ICP”
“Key Name”=”ClassID”

“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“File Extension”=”ICP”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode=dbo.fnGetSiteCode() and DetailedStatus IN (125, 110)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”MDA”
“Key Name”=”ResourceID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”DSN”
“Key Name”=”DeviceSettingItemID”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘PRI'”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”NSA”
“Key Name”=”Flag”
“Filter”=”Flag = 0 AND (((dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() < MachineID) AND (MachineID < dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd())) OR (dbo.fnGetSiteCode() = SiteCode))”

“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”UXD”
“Key Name”=”ChangeType”
“Filter”=” ChangeType IN (100,101) “

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”CRV”
“Key Name”=”DiscArchKey”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”DiscArchKey,PropertyName”

“File Extension”=”PKN”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”

“File Extension”=”CAN”
“Key Name”=”JobID”
“Filter”=”(Action = 5) OR (UPDATE(State) and inserted.State = 8)”

“File Extension”=”PKN”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”
“Filter”=”((State = 1) AND (restarttime is null))”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”INS”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’PRI’ AND DPFlags <> 1”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”INS”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’PRI’ AND DPFlags <> 1 AND exists (select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.NALPath=deleted.NALPath where inserted.Action = 0 AND (deleted.Action = 3 OR inserted.SMSSiteCode<>deleted.SMSSiteCode))”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”DPN”
“Key Name”=”DPID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”DPU”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’PRI’ AND ((exists (select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.NALPath=deleted.NALPath where (inserted.DPFlags=0x00004 AND deleted.DPFlags = 0) OR (inserted.DPFlags=0 AND deleted.DPFlags = 0x00004))) OR (exists(select 1 from inserted join DistributionPoints on DistributionPoints.ServerName=inserted.ServerName where DistributionPoints.DPFlags=1 and inserted.DPFlags<>1)) OR (exists(select 1 from inserted where DPFlags = 0x00004)))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”INS”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’PRI’ AND (State<>1 OR State is NULL) AND (exists (select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.NALPath=deleted.NALPath where (inserted.DPFlags<>1 AND deleted.DPFlags = 1) OR (inserted.DPFlags=0x00004 AND deleted.DPFlags = 0) OR (inserted.DPFlags=0 AND deleted.DPFlags = 0x00004)))”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”NOT”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’PRI’ AND (exists (select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.DPID=deleted.DPID where inserted.DPType<>deleted.DPType OR inserted.AnonymousEnabled<>deleted.AnonymousEnabled OR inserted.SslState<>deleted.SslState OR inserted.IsPXE<>deleted.IsPXE OR inserted.IsPullDP<>deleted.IsPullDP))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”EUN”
“Key Name”=”EULAContentID”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘PRI'”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”GroupClass”

“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”RequestTrackingGUID”

“Action”=”Insert, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”ITO”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”IAC”
“Key Name”=”ActionID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”LPK”
“Key Name”=”Locale”
“Filter”=”not exists (select 1 from TableChangeNotifications where Component=N’LanguagePackStatus_ALL_HMAN’ )”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”License Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”SLK”
“Key Name”=”KeyId”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”LIC”
“Key Name”=”RelationshipID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() < MachineID AND MachineID < dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”License Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”CRT”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RSB”
“Key Name”=”DeviceID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”MEP”
“Key Name”=”MachineID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Migration Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”MIG”
“Key Name”=”JobID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted left join deleted on inserted.JobID = deleted.JobID where (ISNULL(inserted.ScheduleToken, ”) <> ISNULL(deleted.ScheduleToken, ”)) or((ISNULL(inserted.Status, 0) <> ISNULL(deleted.Status, 0)) AND ISNULL(inserted.Status, 0) = 1) or(ISNULL(inserted.RequestedOperation, ”) <> ”))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Migration Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”SYN”
“Key Name”=”SiteMappingID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted left join deleted on inserted.SiteMappingID = deleted.SiteMappingID where (ISNULL(inserted.ScheduleToken, ”) <> ISNULL(deleted.ScheduleToken, ”)) or((ISNULL(inserted.Status, 0) <> ISNULL(deleted.Status, 0)) AND ISNULL(inserted.Status, 0) = 1) or(ISNULL(inserted.RequestedOperation, ”) <> ”))”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”MRU”
“Key Name”=”RoleID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”SRC”
“Key Name”=”SysResUseID”
“Filter”=” (Name = ‘SignedSerializedCertificateEx’ AND Value2 IS NOT NULL AND Value2 <> ” AND SysResUseID IN ( SELECT SysResUseID FROM SC_SysResUse SRU INNER JOIN SC_RoleType RT ON SRU.RoleTypeID = RT.RoleTypeID WHERE RT.RoleName = ‘SMS Management Point’))”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”SRC”
“Key Name”=”SysResList_PK”
“Filter”=”EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM DELETED WHERE RoleName = ‘SMS Management Point’)”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”SRC”
“Key Name”=”SysResList_PK”
“Filter”=” ((RoleName = ‘SMS Management Point’ AND Certificate IS NOT NULL) AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM INSERTED I FULL JOIN DELETED D ON I.SysResList_PK = D.SysResList_PK WHERE ( (I.IsAvailable <> D.IsAvailable) OR (I.SslState <> D.SslState) OR (I.InternetEnabled <> D.InternetEnabled) OR (I.Shared <> D.Shared) OR (I.ServerRemoteName <> D.ServerRemoteName) OR (I.PublicDNSName <> D.PublicDNSName) OR (I.DomainFQDN <> D.DomainFQDN) OR (I.ForestFQDN <> D.ForestFQDN) )) )”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”MRN”
“Key Name”=”SecurityKey”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, delete”
“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”CRP”
“Key Name”=”SysResUseID”
“Filter”=” Name = ‘NDESCertificates’ AND SysResUseID IN (SELECT SysResUseID FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE RoleTypeID = 25)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”SCE”
“Key Name”=”URLID”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“File Extension”=”OFN”
“Key Name”=”OfferID”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“File Extension”=”DEL”
“Key Name”=”OfferID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RQU”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber,ID,dbo.fnGetSiteSystemName(NALPath)”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0 AND RoleTypeID IN (SELECT RoleTypeID FROM SC_RoleType WHERE RoleName = ‘SMS SQL Server’) AND UPDATE(NALPath)”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RQD”
“Key Name”=”Name,dbo.fnReplaceBackSlashWithEqualSign(Value2),dbo.fnGetSiteSystemNameFromID(SysResUseID)”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0 AND Name IN (‘SQL Server Service Logon Account’, ‘SQL Server Agent Service Logon Account’)”

“Action”=”Delete, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”DPN”
“Key Name”=”DPID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”DPN”
“Key Name”=”DPID”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”PKN”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”PRN”
“Key Name”=”ProgramID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsPrimary()=1 AND ProgramFlags & 0x00001100 = 0 and Command is not null and Command != N””

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”PAC”
“Key Name”=”PADBID”
“Filter”=” MachineID is NULL “

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”CMN”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“File Extension”=”CCN”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”SRC”
“Key Name”=”ServerName, SiteCode”
“Filter”=”Update(AuthenticodeCertificate) AND AuthenticodeCertificate IS NOT NULL”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”SRC”
“Key Name”=”ServerName, SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”CAT”
“Key Name”=”ServerName, SiteCode”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Enrollment Active Directory Service Inbox”
“File Extension”=”AD”
“Key Name”=”DeviceName”

“File Extension”=”ENR”
“Key Name”=”DeviceName”
“Filter”=”ClientType = 1 and StateId = 1”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”OAN”
“Key Name”=”OfferID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsPrimary()=1 AND OfferTypeID = 2 AND ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager (Incoming)”
“File Extension”=”PUL”
“Key Name”=”PkgStatusID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted join PkgStatus_G on inserted.PkgStatusID = PkgStatus_G.PKID and PkgStatus_G.SiteCode=’PRI’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”ROA”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”AdminID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RBC”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ReplicationGroup”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RIU”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode != dbo.fnGetSiteCode() AND UPDATE(RecoveryCount) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED D WHERE ISNULL(D.RecoveryCount,0)+1 = ISNULL(INSERTED.RecoveryCount,0))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Rule Engine”
“File Extension”=”RUL”
“Key Name”=”RuleID”
“Filter”=”RuleEnabled = 1”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RAU”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Cloud Services Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”MPCERT”
“Key Name”=”SysResUseID”
“Filter”=”Name=’SerializedCertificate’ AND SysResUseID IN (SELECT SysResUseID FROM SC_SysResUse SRU JOIN SC_RoleType RT on SRU.RoleTypeID=RT.RoleTypeID WHERE RT.RoleName = ‘SMS Management Point’)”

“Target Service”=”Cloud Services Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”PROXY”
“Key Name”=”SysResUseID”
“Filter”=”Name in (‘UseProxy’,’ProxyName’,’ProxyServerPort’,’AnonymousProxyAccess’,’ProxyUserName’) AND SysResUseID IN (SELECT SysResUseID from SC_SysResUse SYS join SC_RoleType RT on RT.RoleTypeID = SYS.RoleTypeID join SC_SiteDefinition SD on SD.SiteNumber = sys.SiteNumber where SD.SiteCode = dbo.fnGetSiteCode() and RT.RoleName = ‘SMS Site System’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”Site Control Manager (Master Site Control File)”
“File Extension”=”CT0”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode = N’PRI’ AND SiteStatus = 125 AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED D WHERE D.ID = INSERTED.ID AND D.SiteStatus != 125) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component=N’ServerData_Upd_SiteCtrl’ AND Key1=N’PRI’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Scheduler”
“File Extension”=”SCA”
“Key Name”=”ID”
“Filter”=”DestType=0 AND dbo.fnIsCas() = 0 AND dbo.fnGetPrimarySiteCode( dbo.fnGetSiteCodeBySiteNumber(SiteNumber) ) = dbo.fnGetPrimarySiteCode( dbo.fnGetSiteCode() )”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SCU”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”not exists (select 1 from ServerData S JOIN SC_SiteDefinition SC ON SC.SiteNumber = S.ID WHERE SC.SiteCode = INSERTED.SiteCode AND S.SiteStatus = 120) and not exists (select 1 from TableChangeNotifications where Component=N’SiteControl_AddUpd_HMAN’ and Key1=inserted.SiteCode)”

“Target Service”=”Site Control Manager (Master Site Control File)”
“File Extension”=”CT0”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode = N’PRI’ and exists (select 1 from ServerData S JOIN SC_SiteDefinition SC ON SC.SiteNumber = S.ID where SC.SiteCode = N’PRI’ AND S.SiteStatus in (125, 110)) and not exists (select 1 from TableChangeNotifications where Component=N’SiteControl_AddUpd_SiteCtrl’ and Key1=N’PRI’)”

“Target Service”=”Site Component Manager”
“File Extension”=”CAS”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsCasOrStandalonePrimary()=0 and inserted.SiteCode=dbo.fnGetParentSiteCode()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”SCA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”SCD”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Forwarding messages)”
“File Extension”=”SDD”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsSecondary() = 0 AND DELETED.SiteNumber != dbo.fnGetSiteNumber() AND DELETED.SiteType != 1”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Forwarding messages)”
“File Extension”=”SAT”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsSecondary() = 0 AND INSERTED.SiteNumber != dbo.fnGetSiteNumber() AND INSERTED.SiteType != 1”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”EXP”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsPrimary() = 1 AND INSERTED.Name = ‘SiteExpansion’ AND INSERTED.Value3 = 1 AND INSERTED.SiteNumber = 0”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SPK”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode != N’ ‘ AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM DELETED D WHERE D.SiteNumber = INSERTED.SiteNumber AND D.ServiceExchangeKey = INSERTED.ServiceExchangeKey) AND dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Asset Intelligence KB Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”(ReportToSite = ‘PRI’) and BuildNumber > 5200 and DetailedStatus IN (125, 110) AND SiteCode != ‘ ‘”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”WSUS Sync Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)”
“File Extension”=”SR1”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component = N’SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR1′ AND Key1 = ISNULL(SiteCode, N”)) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED WHERE Flag = 0) AND INSERTED.Flag = 1 AND INSERTED.SiteCode = dbo.fnGetSiteCode()”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)”
“File Extension”=”SR2”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component = N’SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR2′ AND Key1 = ISNULL(SiteCode, N”)) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED WHERE Flag != 2) AND INSERTED.Flag = 2 AND INSERTED.MachineID BETWEEN dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() AND dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd()”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)”
“File Extension”=”SR5”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component = N’SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR5′ AND Key1 = ISNULL(SiteCode, N”)) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED WHERE Flag != 5) AND INSERTED.Flag = 5 AND INSERTED.MachineID BETWEEN dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() AND dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SSC”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”RoleTypeID IN (SELECT RoleTypeID FROM SC_RoleType WHERE RoleName = ‘SMS Site Server’) AND UPDATE(NALPath) AND SiteNumber = dbo.fnGetSiteNumber()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”CEU”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”Name = ‘SQLServerCertificate’ AND UPDATE(Value2) AND (dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0 OR SiteNumber = dbo.fnGetSiteNumber())”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SQR”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”1 = 0”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”IPK”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”CMN”
“Key Name”=”RoleTypeID,SiteSystemName”
“Filter”=”SiteSystemName NOT IN (SELECT sc.ServerName FROM vSMS_SC_SysResUse sc WHERE sc.NALResType=’Windows Azure’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SSU”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode != N’ ‘ AND ((EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Sites S JOIN SMSData D ON S.SiteCode = D.ThisSiteCode AND S.DetailedStatus = 125) AND DetailedStatus = 125) OR SiteType = 1)”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SSD”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”ITC”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=””
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”TaskName,TaskType”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”PAN”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsPrimary()=1 AND PackageType = 0”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”OfferID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”OfferID”
“Filter”=”inserted.Action!=0 and inserted.Action!=3”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”AlertID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”AlertID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”SiteID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”PkgID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”PkgID”
“Filter”=”inserted.PackageType=0 and inserted.Action!=0 and inserted.Action!=3”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RSC”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SBP”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”Name = ‘SSBPort’ AND UPDATE(Value3) AND (dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0 OR SiteNumber = dbo.fnGetSiteNumber())”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”State System”
“File Extension”=”SSR”
“Key Name”=”RequestID”

“Target Service”=”State System”
“File Extension”=”RUN”
“Key Name”=”TaskID”

“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“File Extension”=”CSB”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“File Extension”=”CSB”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”WSUS Sync Manager”
“File Extension”=”SYN”
“Key Name”=”SyncNow”
“Filter”=”SiteCode=dbo.fnGetSiteCode() and SyncNow in (‘SELF’, ‘FULL’)”

“Target Service”=”Cloud Services Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”MPDEL”
“Key Name”=”ServerName”
“Filter”=”exists(SELECT 1 FROM deleted WHERE RoleName = ‘SMS Management Point’)”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RUC”
“Key Name”=”ID”
“Filter”=”Name = N’Username’ AND SiteNumber = 0 AND SysResUseID IN (SELECT SysResUseID FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE RoleTypeID = 17)”

“Target Service”=”Client Configuration Record (Incoming)”
“File Extension”=”CPC”
“Key Name”=”SMS_Assigned_Sites0”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnGetPrimarySiteCode(SMS_Assigned_Sites0)=N’PRI’ and dbo.FnIsClientPushActive(SMS_Assigned_Sites0)=1 and not exists (select 1 from TableChangeNotifications where Component=N’System_SMS_Assign_ARR_Insert’ and Key1=inserted.SMS_Assigned_Sites0)”

“Target Service”=”Alert Notification Inbox”
“File Extension”=”TST”
“Key Name”=”TestID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”UEP”
“Key Name”=”UserID”

“Action”=”Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”UKS”
“Key Name”=”ItemKey”
“Filter”=”Client0 = 1 and inserted.ItemKey in (select ItemKey from deleted where ISNULL(deleted.Client0, 0) = 0) AND (ISNULL(Decommissioned0, 0) = 0) AND (ISNULL(Obsolete0, 0) = 0) AND dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() < ItemKey AND ItemKey < dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”SCN”
“Key Name”=”UpdateSource_ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”STN”
“Key Name”=”UpdateSource_UniqueID”
“Filter”=”SiteCode = ‘PRI'”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”UDA”
“Key Name”=”RelationshipResourceID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() < MachineResourceID AND MachineResourceID < dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”UDA”
“Key Name”=”RelationshipResourceID”
“Filter”=”RelationshipResourceID in (select umr.RelationshipResourceID from UserMachineRelation umr where dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() < umr.MachineResourceID AND umr.MachineResourceID < dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd())”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, NonZeroByteFile”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”UDA”
“Key Name”=”RelationshipResourceID”
“Filter”=”RelationshipResourceID in (select umr.RelationshipResourceID from UserMachineRelation umr where dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() < umr.MachineResourceID AND umr.MachineResourceID < dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd())”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“File Extension”=”WRC”
“Key Name”=”ServerName, SiteCode”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“File Extension”=”WLN”
“Key Name”=”ScheduleMapID”

 SCCM 2012 CAS server Registry Keys

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“Polling Directory”=””
“SMS Primary Site”=””

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”ForestID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Site Component Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”ForestID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Alert Notification Inbox”
“File Extension”=”ALE”
“Key Name”=”AlertID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted left join deleted on inserted.AlertID = deleted.AlertID where (ISNULL(inserted.AlertState, ‘-‘) <> ISNULL(deleted.AlertState, ‘-‘)) AND ISNULL(inserted.AlertState, ‘-‘) = ‘A’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Alert Notification Inbox”
“File Extension”=”ALT”
“Key Name”=”AlertID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted left join deleted on inserted.AlertID = deleted.AlertID where (inserted.Enabled <> deleted.Enabled AND inserted.Enabled = 1) OR (inserted.SkipUntil <> deleted.SkipUntil))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ArticleName”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”AUC”
“Key Name”=”ClientVersion”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”BND”
“Key Name”=”BoundaryID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”BoundaryID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”BND”
“Key Name”=”BoundaryID,GroupID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”BoundaryID”
“Filter”=”GroupID in (select GroupID from BoundaryGroup where DefaultSiteCode in (select SiteCode from Sites where SiteCode=dbo.fnGetSiteCode() or ReportToSite=dbo.fnGetSiteCode()))”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”BND”
“Key Name”=”GroupID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”TRG”
“Key Name”=”GroupID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CTN”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (CFD)”
“File Extension”=”CFE”
“Key Name”=”FeatureID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIA”
“Key Name”=”AssignmentID”
“Filter”=”ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIN”
“Key Name”=”CI_ID”
“Filter”=”ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIN”
“Key Name”=”CI_ID”
“Filter”=”EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM CI_ConfigurationItems ci WHERE ci.CI_ID=inserted.CI_ID AND ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()) AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM deleted d WHERE d.CI_ID=inserted.CI_ID AND d.Featured!=inserted.Featured)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIA”
“Key Name”=”AssignmentID”
“Filter”=”ActualCI_ID is not null”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”CIN”
“Key Name”=”FromCI_ID”
“Filter”=”RelationType != 7”

“Target Service”=””
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=””

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”GCS”
“Key Name”=”ClientSettingsID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”OPA”
“Key Name”=”ID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsCas() = 0 AND State in (0, 1)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”GCA”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”GCS”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”CSD”
“Key Name”=”UniqueID”

“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”REC”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”LQU”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber,dbo.fnGetSiteSystemName(NALPath)”
“Filter”=”SiteNumber=dbo.fnGetSiteNumber() AND RoleTypeID IN (SELECT RoleTypeID FROM SC_RoleType WHERE RoleName = ‘SMS SQL Server’) AND UPDATE(NALPath)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“File Extension”=”ICP”
“Key Name”=”ActionID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, distinct”
“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“File Extension”=”ICP”
“Key Name”=”ClassID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, distinct”
“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“File Extension”=”ICP”
“Key Name”=”ClassID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete, distinct”
“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“File Extension”=”RIS”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”MDA”
“Key Name”=”ResourceID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”DSN”
“Key Name”=”DeviceSettingItemID”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘CAS'”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”CRV”
“Key Name”=”DiscArchKey”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”DiscArchKey,PropertyName”

“File Extension”=”PKN”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”

“File Extension”=”CAN”
“Key Name”=”JobID”
“Filter”=”(Action = 5) OR (UPDATE(State) and inserted.State = 8)”

“File Extension”=”PKN”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”
“Filter”=”((State = 1) AND (restarttime is null))”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”INS”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’CAS’ AND DPFlags <> 1”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”INS”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’CAS’ AND DPFlags <> 1 AND exists (select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.NALPath=deleted.NALPath where inserted.Action = 0 AND (deleted.Action = 3 OR inserted.SMSSiteCode<>deleted.SMSSiteCode))”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”DPN”
“Key Name”=”DPID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”DPU”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’CAS’ AND ((exists (select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.NALPath=deleted.NALPath where (inserted.DPFlags=0x00004 AND deleted.DPFlags = 0) OR (inserted.DPFlags=0 AND deleted.DPFlags = 0x00004))) OR (exists(select 1 from inserted join DistributionPoints on DistributionPoints.ServerName=inserted.ServerName where DistributionPoints.DPFlags=1 and inserted.DPFlags<>1)) OR (exists(select 1 from inserted where DPFlags = 0x00004)))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”INS”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’CAS’ AND (State<>1 OR State is NULL) AND (exists (select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.NALPath=deleted.NALPath where (inserted.DPFlags<>1 AND deleted.DPFlags = 1) OR (inserted.DPFlags=0x00004 AND deleted.DPFlags = 0) OR (inserted.DPFlags=0 AND deleted.DPFlags = 0x00004)))”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”NOT”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Filter”=”SMSSiteCode =’CAS’ AND (exists (select 1 from inserted join deleted on inserted.DPID=deleted.DPID where inserted.DPType<>deleted.DPType OR inserted.AnonymousEnabled<>deleted.AnonymousEnabled OR inserted.SslState<>deleted.SslState OR inserted.IsPXE<>deleted.IsPXE OR inserted.IsPullDP<>deleted.IsPullDP))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”EUN”
“Key Name”=”EULAContentID”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘CAS'”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”GroupClass”

“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”RequestTrackingGUID”

“Action”=”Insert, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”ITO”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (CFD)”
“File Extension”=”CFE”
“Key Name”=”FeatureID”
“Filter”=” Flag in (0, 1) “

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RSB”
“Key Name”=”DeviceID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Migration Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”MIG”
“Key Name”=”JobID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted left join deleted on inserted.JobID = deleted.JobID where (ISNULL(inserted.ScheduleToken, ”) <> ISNULL(deleted.ScheduleToken, ”)) or((ISNULL(inserted.Status, 0) <> ISNULL(deleted.Status, 0)) AND ISNULL(inserted.Status, 0) = 1) or(ISNULL(inserted.RequestedOperation, ”) <> ”))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Migration Manager Inbox”
“File Extension”=”SYN”
“Key Name”=”SiteMappingID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted left join deleted on inserted.SiteMappingID = deleted.SiteMappingID where (ISNULL(inserted.ScheduleToken, ”) <> ISNULL(deleted.ScheduleToken, ”)) or((ISNULL(inserted.Status, 0) <> ISNULL(deleted.Status, 0)) AND ISNULL(inserted.Status, 0) = 1) or(ISNULL(inserted.RequestedOperation, ”) <> ”))”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”MRU”
“Key Name”=”RoleID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, delete”
“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”CRP”
“Key Name”=”SysResUseID”
“Filter”=” Name = ‘NDESCertificates’ AND SysResUseID IN (SELECT SysResUseID FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE RoleTypeID = 25)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RQU”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber,ID,dbo.fnGetSiteSystemName(NALPath)”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0 AND RoleTypeID IN (SELECT RoleTypeID FROM SC_RoleType WHERE RoleName = ‘SMS SQL Server’) AND UPDATE(NALPath)”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RQD”
“Key Name”=”Name,dbo.fnReplaceBackSlashWithEqualSign(Value2),dbo.fnGetSiteSystemNameFromID(SysResUseID)”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0 AND Name IN (‘SQL Server Service Logon Account’, ‘SQL Server Agent Service Logon Account’)”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“File Extension”=”PKN”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”PRN”
“Key Name”=”ProgramID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsPrimary()=1 AND ProgramFlags & 0x00001100 = 0 and Command is not null and Command != N””

“File Extension”=”ENR”
“Key Name”=”DeviceName”
“Filter”=”ClientType = 1 and StateId = 1”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”OAN”
“Key Name”=”OfferID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsPrimary()=1 AND OfferTypeID = 2 AND ISNULL(MinRequiredVersion, 0) <= dbo.fnCurrentSiteVersion_INT()”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager (Incoming)”
“File Extension”=”PUL”
“Key Name”=”PkgStatusID”
“Filter”=” exists (select 1 from inserted join PkgStatus_G on inserted.PkgStatusID = PkgStatus_G.PKID and PkgStatus_G.SiteCode=’CAS’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”ROA”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”AdminID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RBC”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ReplicationGroup”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”RIU”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode != dbo.fnGetSiteCode() AND UPDATE(RecoveryCount) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED D WHERE ISNULL(D.RecoveryCount,0)+1 = ISNULL(INSERTED.RecoveryCount,0))”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Rule Engine”
“File Extension”=”RUL”
“Key Name”=”RuleID”
“Filter”=”RuleEnabled = 1”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RAU”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Scheduler”
“File Extension”=”SCA”
“Key Name”=”ID”
“Filter”=”DestType=0 AND dbo.fnIsCas() = 0 AND dbo.fnGetPrimarySiteCode( dbo.fnGetSiteCodeBySiteNumber(SiteNumber) ) = dbo.fnGetPrimarySiteCode( dbo.fnGetSiteCode() )”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SCU”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”not exists (select 1 from ServerData S JOIN SC_SiteDefinition SC ON SC.SiteNumber = S.ID WHERE SC.SiteCode = INSERTED.SiteCode AND S.SiteStatus = 120) and not exists (select 1 from TableChangeNotifications where Component=N’SiteControl_AddUpd_HMAN’ and Key1=inserted.SiteCode)”

“Target Service”=”Site Control Manager (Master Site Control File)”
“File Extension”=”CT0”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode = N’CAS’ AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM SC_SiteDefinition WHERE SiteCode = N’CAS’) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component = N’SiteControl_AddUpd_SiteCtrl’ AND Key1 = N’CAS’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”SCA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“File Extension”=”SCD”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Forwarding messages)”
“File Extension”=”SDD”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsSecondary() = 0 AND DELETED.SiteNumber != dbo.fnGetSiteNumber() AND DELETED.SiteType != 1”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Forwarding messages)”
“File Extension”=”SAT”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsSecondary() = 0 AND INSERTED.SiteNumber != dbo.fnGetSiteNumber() AND INSERTED.SiteType != 1”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”EXP”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsPrimary() = 1 AND INSERTED.Name = ‘SiteExpansion’ AND INSERTED.Value3 = 1 AND INSERTED.SiteNumber = 0”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SPK”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode != N’ ‘ AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM DELETED D WHERE D.SiteNumber = INSERTED.SiteNumber AND D.ServiceExchangeKey = INSERTED.ServiceExchangeKey) AND dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Asset Intelligence KB Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”(ReportToSite = ‘CAS’) and BuildNumber > 5200 and DetailedStatus IN (125, 110) AND SiteCode != ‘ ‘”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”WSUS Sync Manager”
“File Extension”=”SHA”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)”
“File Extension”=”SR1”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component = N’SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR1′ AND Key1 = ISNULL(SiteCode, N”)) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED WHERE Flag = 0) AND INSERTED.Flag = 1 AND INSERTED.SiteCode = dbo.fnGetSiteCode()”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)”
“File Extension”=”SR2”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component = N’SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR2′ AND Key1 = ISNULL(SiteCode, N”)) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED WHERE Flag != 2) AND INSERTED.Flag = 2 AND INSERTED.MachineID BETWEEN dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() AND dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd()”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager (Site Reassign)”
“File Extension”=”SR5”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TableChangeNotifications WHERE Component = N’SiteReassign_Upd_HMAN_SR5′ AND Key1 = ISNULL(SiteCode, N”)) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED WHERE Flag != 5) AND INSERTED.Flag = 5 AND INSERTED.MachineID BETWEEN dbo.fnGetSiteRangeStart() AND dbo.fnGetSiteRangeEnd()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SSC”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”RoleTypeID IN (SELECT RoleTypeID FROM SC_RoleType WHERE RoleName = ‘SMS Site Server’) AND UPDATE(NALPath) AND SiteNumber = dbo.fnGetSiteNumber()”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”CEU”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”Name = ‘SQLServerCertificate’ AND UPDATE(Value2) AND (dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0 OR SiteNumber = dbo.fnGetSiteNumber())”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SQR”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”1 = 0”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”IPK”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”CMN”
“Key Name”=”RoleTypeID,SiteSystemName”
“Filter”=”SiteSystemName NOT IN (SELECT sc.ServerName FROM vSMS_SC_SysResUse sc WHERE sc.NALResType=’Windows Azure’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SSU”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=”SiteCode != N’ ‘ AND ((EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Sites S JOIN SMSData D ON S.SiteCode = D.ThisSiteCode AND S.DetailedStatus = 125) AND DetailedStatus = 125) OR SiteType = 1)”

“Target Service”=”Certificate Manager”
“File Extension”=”CMS”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Filter”=” UPDATE(DetailedStatus) AND DetailedStatus=125 AND ReportToSite<>N” AND SiteType=2 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED D WHERE D.SiteCode = inserted.SiteCode AND D.DetailedStatus = 125)”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SSD”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”ITC”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”

“Target Service”=””
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”TaskName,TaskType”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”PAN”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”
“Filter”=”dbo.fnIsPrimary()=1 AND PackageType = 0”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”OfferID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”OfferID”
“Filter”=”inserted.Action!=0 and inserted.Action!=3”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”AlertID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”AlertID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”SiteID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”PkgID”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“File Extension”=””
“Key Name”=”PkgID”
“Filter”=”inserted.PackageType=0 and inserted.Action!=0 and inserted.Action!=3”

“Action”=”Insert, Update,delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”DVC”
“Key Name”=”ID”
“Filter”=”ControlID IN (select ID from rcmsqlcontrol where typeid = 3) AND Name IN (N’DviewForHINV’, N’DviewForSINV’, N’DviewForStatusMessages’)”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RSC”
“Key Name”=”ID”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“File Extension”=”SBP”
“Key Name”=”SiteNumber”
“Filter”=”Name = ‘SSBPort’ AND UPDATE(Value3) AND (dbo.fnIsParentOrChildSite(SiteNumber) != 0 OR SiteNumber = dbo.fnGetSiteNumber())”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”State System”
“File Extension”=”SSR”
“Key Name”=”RequestID”

“Target Service”=”State System”
“File Extension”=”RUN”
“Key Name”=”TaskID”

“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“File Extension”=”CSB”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“File Extension”=”CSB”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”WSUS Sync Manager”
“File Extension”=”SYN”
“Key Name”=”SyncNow”
“Filter”=”SiteCode=dbo.fnGetSiteCode() and SyncNow in (‘SELF’, ‘FULL’)”

“Target Service”=”Alert Notification Inbox”
“File Extension”=”TST”
“Key Name”=”TestID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“File Extension”=”SCN”
“Key Name”=”UpdateSource_ID”

“Action”=”Insert, Update, Delete”
“Target Service”=”Replication Configuration And Monitoring Inbox”
“File Extension”=”RCM”
“Key Name”=”ID”

 SCCM 2007  Primary Server

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“Polling Directory”=”D:\\SCCM\\bin\\i386\\routing”
“SMS Primary Site”=”WTZMCM01”

“Target Service”=”Client Data Files Source Directory”
“Key Name”=”ClassName”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”AHC”

“Target Service”=”SMS_AMT_PROXY_PROV”
“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Key Name”=”MachineID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”OTP”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“Key Name”=”ArchitectureKey,GroupKey,AttributeName”
“Named Pipe Path”=”SMSPROVIDER_”
“File Extension”=””

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CTN”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CEP”

“Target Service”=”CI Assignment Manager”
“Filter”=”IsTombstoned = 0”
“Key Name”=”Assignment_UniqueID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CAD”

“Target Service”=”CI Assignment Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”AssignmentID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CIA”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”CI_ID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CIN”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“Key Name”=”SiteID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CMN”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”ADC”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CMN”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”DC”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”UDC”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”DeviceSettingItemID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”DSN”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“Key Name”=”DiscArchKey,PropertyName”
“Named Pipe Path”=”SMSPROVIDER_”
“File Extension”=””

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”DPN”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”EULAContentID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”EUN”

“Target Service”=”SMS Provider”
“Key Name”=”ArchitectureKey,GroupKey”
“Named Pipe Path”=”SMSPROVIDER_”
“File Extension”=””

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Key Name”=”ActionID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”IAC”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Key Name”=”MachineID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”MEP”

“Target Service”=”Software Metering Processor (Site)”
“Key Name”=”RuleID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”RCH”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“Action”=”Insert, NonZeroByteFile”
“Key Name”=”RuleID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”MRN”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“Key Name”=”OfferID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”OFN”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“Key Name”=”OfferID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”DEL”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“Action”=”Delete, NonZeroByteFile”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”DPN”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Key Name”=”DPID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”DPN”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“Key Name”=”PkgID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”PKN”

“Target Service”=”Policy Targeting Evaluator”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”CollectionID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CCN”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SDMPackage_ID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SDN”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode,TypeFlag”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SCU”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SCA”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager (Notification)”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SCD”

“Target Service”=”Asset Intelligence KB Manager”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”CI Assignment Manager”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”Software Metering Processor (Site)”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHD”

“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“Filter”=”(SiteCode = ‘TO1’ or ReportToSite = ‘TO1’) and BuildNumber > 5200”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”Collection Evaluator”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”Discovery Data Manager”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”Distribution Manager”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”Offer Manager”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”Software Metering Processor (Site)”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”WSUS Sync Manager”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SHA”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SSU”

“Target Service”=”Hierarchy Manager”
“Key Name”=”SiteCode”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SSD”

“Target Service”=””
“Key Name”=”TaskName,TaskType”
“Named Pipe Path”=”UnusedNamedPipe”
“File Extension”=””

“Target Service”=”State System”
“Key Name”=”TaskID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”RUN”

“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CSB”

“Target Service”=”WSUS Configuration Manager”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”CategoryInstanceID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”CSB”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Key Name”=”MemberID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”MEN”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1’ and exists (select 1 from deleted join inserted on deleted.MemberID=inserted.MemberID where (inserted.SourceSite<>deleted.SourceSite or inserted.IsDeleted<>deleted.IsDeleted or inserted.rowversion<>deleted.rowversion))”
“Key Name”=”MemberID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”MEN”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Key Name”=”ContainerNodeID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”FLN”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1’ and exists (select 1 from deleted join inserted on deleted.ContainerNodeID=inserted.ContainerNodeID where (inserted.SourceSite<>deleted.SourceSite or inserted.IsDeleted<>deleted.IsDeleted or inserted.rowversion<>deleted.rowversion))”
“Key Name”=”ContainerNodeID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”FLN”

“Target Service”=”Object Replication Manager”
“Filter”=”SourceSite = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”UpdateSource_ID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”SCN”

“Target Service”=”Policy Provider”
“Filter”=”SiteCode = ‘TO1′”
“Action”=”Insert, Update, NonZeroByteFile”
“Key Name”=”UpdateSource_UniqueID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”STN”

“Action”=”Insert, Update”
“Key Name”=”ScheduleMapID”
“Named Pipe Path”=””
“File Extension”=”WLN”

SCCM Inbox File Types
SCCM Inbox File Types

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Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for consecutive 10 years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His primary focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career etc…

3 thoughts on “ConfigMgr Inbox File Types Extensions and Associated Components”

      • CIA CIAssignmentNotify_iu Object Replication Manager
        .CIN CINotify_iud Object Replication Manager
        .CIN CI_ApplicationModelInfo_CINotify Object Replication Manager
        .CIA CI_AssignmentTargetedCIs_CIAMGR Object Replication Manager
        .CIN CI_ConfigurationItemRelations_Flat_From_iud Object Replication Manager

        Something related CI? V can be any new features in CI_V?

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