Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune

Let’s discuss the Ability to Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune As you all know, Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based service that provides IT admins with various policies. The setting catalog is one of the important features of MS Intune.

In our organization, it is sometimes necessary to implement specific policies. To do this effectively, administrators utilize the settings catalog. We have covered various settings catalog policies in our earlier discussions. Currently, we are focusing on deploying policies, such as configuring settings to turn LAN connections on or off.

LAN connections are crucial due to their fast speeds and high data transfer rates, which are vital for file sharing. Effectively managing LAN connections on devices is essential for network security and efficient IT administration.

Administrators can turn LAN connections on or off in the settings catalog. It’s important to note that if the Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators option is disabled or not configured, this setting will not apply to administrators on computers running post-Windows 2000.

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What Happens When the LAN Connection Enabled?

If you enable this setting, users (including nonadministrators) can access the Enable and Disable options for LAN connections. Users can enable/disable a LAN connection by double-clicking the icon representing it, right-clicking it, or using the File menu.

What Happens When the LAN Connection Disabled?

If you disable this setting (and enable the “Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators” setting), double-clicking the icon has no effect, and the Enable and Disable menu items are disabled for all users (including administrators).

Enable Disable a LAN Connection – CSP Details

In our previous discussion, we saw an overview of enabling or disabling a LAN connection. This policy includes important details about the Configuration Service Provider (CSP) essential for understanding its policy nature. It will show the applicable scopes, editions, and OS.

  • In Intune, CSP (Configuration Service Provider) helps manage and set up settings on Windows devices.
ScopesEditionsApplicable OS
Not applicable for DeviceProWindows 10, version 2004 with KB5005101
[10.0.19041.1202] and later.
Applicable for DeviceEnterpriseWindows 10, version 20H2 with KB5005101
[10.0.19042.1202] and later.
EducationWindows 10, version 21H1 with KB5005101
[10.0.19043.1202] and later.
Windows SEWindows 11, version 21H2 [10.0.22000] and later.
loT Enterprise/ loT Enterprise LTSC
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Table.1
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.1 Creds to MS
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.1 Creds to MS

How to Create a Profile

To turn a LAN connection on or off through Microsoft Intune, you first need to create a profile. Log into the Microsoft Intune admin center with your credentials. Next, navigate to the Devices section, click Configurations, and create a new policy.

Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.2
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.2

When you click the New Policy option, a Create a Profile window will open. Here, you need to select the platform. I chose “Windows 10 and Later.” Next, you must select the profile type; I selected “Settings Catalog” from the list. Finally, I clicked on the “Create” option.

Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.3
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.3

Basics Details

After creating the profile, you can see the Basic tab. In this section, you need to fill in the essential details of your policy, such as the name, description, platform, etc. I chose “Enable Disable a LAN connection” as the Name. While the description is optional, including it can help you understand the policy better later on.

  • You can also select the platform, but in this case, you don’t need to change it, as it’s already set to Windows.
  • Once you have completed this step, click on Next.
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.4
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.4

Configuration – Settings Picker

The next section is configuration settings. You can add these settings to the policy, a crucial step that should not be skipped. You will see the “+Add Settings” option when you access the configuration settings. Click on it, and a settings Picker window will appear.

In this window, navigate to “Administrative Templates” under the “Browse by Category” section. Click on this option, and it will lead you to the Network. You will see an arrow next to it; click on this arrow to expand the network options.

  • Once expanded, you will find many options.
  • You can Look for Network Connections and click on it.
  • This will show you different types of settings.
  • I have selected the Ability to Enable /Disable a LAN connection.
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.4
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.4

Configuration Settings

After selecting the settings, you can close the settings picker window. You will now be in the configuration settings. Here, you can turn the selected options on or off. To do this, you can toggle the pane from left to right to allow for it, then click the next button.

Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.5
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.5

Scope Tags

The next step is adding scope tags to the policy. You can assign specific scope tags to the policy or specified groups. I didn’t use this section; I chose to skip it. If you prefer, you can also skip this option. Also, it is mandatory. Once you’ve made your decision, click on Next.

Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.6
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.6


After the scope, you can Assign this policy to a specific group. To do this, click on the Add Group option under the Include Groups section. When you click Add groups, you’ll see a list of available group suggestions. Select the group to which you want to assign the policy.

  • Then, click Next to further proceedings.
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.6
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.6

Review + Create

After completing the assignments, you will proceed to the review + create option. This section act as a summary page where you can review all the details you have provided for the policy, such as the name, descriptions, and platform.

Once you click on the Create button, the policy will be Created. If you need to change the policy settings, you can easily return to the previous tab. If no changes are needed, simply click on the Create option, and your policy will be successfully created.

  • You will then receive a notification confirming that your policy has been created successfully.
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig. 7
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig. 7

Monitor Status

Monitoring status after creating a policy is very important. It’s essential to know whether the policy was created successfully, or if there were any errors or conflicts. To check the monitor status, go to the devices section, then to configurations, and search for the policy you created. Once you find it, click on the policy to view an overview of its status.

  • You need to wait for 8 hours for it to get the monitor results.
  • However, you can use the company portal sync option to reduce this waiting period and then checked the monitor status.
  • My policy was created successfully, as shown in the screenshot below.
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig. 8
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig. 8

Client Side Verfication

To check the Client Side Verification, you can use the Event Viewer. Go to Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Devicemanagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider > Admin to open it. Look for Event ID 814 for a successful result.

Policy Details
MDM PolicyManager: Set policy string, Policy: (NC_LanConnect), Area:
(ADMX_NetworkConnections), EnrollmentID requesting merge: (B1E9301C-8666-412A-BA2F-
3BF8A55BFA62), Current User: (S-1-12-1-3449773194-1083384580-749570698-1797466236), String:
(), Enrollment Type: (0x6), Scope: (0x1).
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Table.2
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.9
Enable Disable a LAN Connection through Setting Catalog via Intune- Fig.9

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Anoop C Nair has been Microsoft MVP for 10 consecutive years from 2015 onwards. He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His primary focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career, etc.

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