Error Creating Minijob to Send Compressed Copy of Package ConfigMgr

Error Creating Minijob to Send Compressed Copy of Package ConfigMgr Endpoint Manager. Recently, I stumbled across a package replication issue and a strange solution. I cannot update an existing package with a new source version from the central SCCM ConfigMgr server.

However, I created a new package and distributed it without any issues. Interesting? So you will say something in the package content could be causing this issue.

I copied the content of the problematic package and created a new package that failed with the same error. I’ve tested the replication with a new package and have had no luck. Is this confusing?

When checking distmgr.log on my SCCM ConfigMgr central server, I could see that the Central SCCM server distribution manager is searching for a file (.DLT.1) that is NOT present in the “\\ACNSCCM071\sms_cpsd$” location.

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ISSUE – Creating Minijob to Send Compressed

The interesting point is that a DLT.1 file was not created for any of the packages (if you search the entire folder, you won’t see these types of files).

I tried enabling verbose logs on the server to get more details in distmgr.log, but that didn’t help. I got the following errors in distmgr.log on the SCCM ConfigMgr server. It was creating a Minijob to Send Compressed.

Error Creating Minijob to Send Compressed Copy of Package ConfigMgr - Fig.1
Error Creating Minijob to Send Compressed Copy of Package ConfigMgr – Fig.1

The Drive has not changed. Old Source = D:\SMSPKG\CL000363.PK$, New Source = D:\SMSPKG\CL000363.PCK.
Sending a copy of package CL000363 to site H01
Create merged compressed delta file \\ACNSCCM071\SMS_CPSD$\CL000363.DLT.0.2
Delta file \\ACNSCCM071\SMS_CPSD$\CL000363.DLT.1 is missing
Error creating minijob to send compressed copy of package CL000363 to site L01.

Successful package replication should have the following entries: Error Creating Minijob to Send Compressed Copy of Package ConfigMgr.

Incremented ref count on file \\ACNSCCM071\SMS_CPSD$\CL00035F.DLT.2, count = 3
Setting CMiniJob transfer root to delta \\ACNSCCM071\SMS_CPSD$\CL00035F.DLT.2
Incremented ref count on file \\ACNSCCM071\SMS_CPSD$\CL00035F.DLT.2, count = 4
Decremented ref count on file \\ACNSCCM071\SMS_CPSD$\CL00035F.DLT.2, count = 3
Created minijob to send compressed copy of package CL00035F to site L02.  Tranfer root = \\ACNSCCM071\SMS_CPSD$\CL00035F.PCK.

Resolution – Error Creating Minijob to Send Compressed Copy of Package ConfigMgr

The issue was strange, and I couldn’t find anything helpful besides missing.DLT.1 file in the log file. So I thought of restarting the central SCCM ConfigMgr server.

Restarted the server and updated the distribution points for the problematic package. Error Creating Minijob to Send Compressed Copy of Package ConfigMgr Endpoint Manager.

Wow!! The SCCM ConfigMgr distribution manager started working on the package, but it didn’t search for it.DLT.1 file, created Mini Job and done. Successfully updated all the DPs with a new package version. So, the resolution was a restart.

I’m still unsure what the issue was or why the SCCM central server was looking for DLT.1, which did not exist.


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Anoop C Nair has been Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for 10 consecutive years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career etc…

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