Let’s Learn How to Retry ConfigMgr Hotfix Installation | SCCM. I encountered an issue while installing the ConfigMgr Hotfix. In this quick post, we will learn how to Retry the Installation.
Related Post – SCCM Troubleshooting Intune Error Codes Table | ConfigMgr
Retry ConfigMgr Hotfix Installation
Launch the ConfigMgr 2002 version of the console. Navigate through \Administration\ Overview \Updates and Servicing.
- Right-click on Configuration Manager 2002 Hotfix (KB4553501)
- Click on Retry Installation
Click OK to start the installation process
The SMS Provider reported an error.
Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlQueryException: The SMS Provider reported an error. ---> System.Management.ManagementException: Generic failure
at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
at System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()
at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlQueryResultsObject.d__75.MoveNext() --- End of inner exception stack trace ---at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlQueryResultsObject.d__75.MoveNext() at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.QueryProcessorBase.ProcessQuery(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)
Close the console and start again to fix the above issue.
- Monitor the progress Navigate to \Monitoring\Overview\Updates and Servicing Status\Configuration Manager 2002 Hotfix (KB4553501)
Configuration Manager 2002 Hotfix (KB4553501) Installation completed.
Get the console upgraded
Console Version after KB4553501 – 5.2002.1083.2000
- SCCM 2002 Installation Step-by-Step Guide | MEMCM | ConfigMgr
- ConfigMgr 2002 List of New Features Enhancements MEMCM SCCM #SCCM #ConfigMgr #MEMCM
Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP! He is a Device Management Admin with more than 20 years of experience (calculation done in 2021) in IT. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group HTMD Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM 2012, Current Branch, and Intune. He writes about ConfigMgr, Windows 11, Windows 10, Azure AD, Microsoft Intune, Windows 365, AVD, etc.