Restore Deleted AAD User from Azure Active Directory Portal

Let’s learn how to restore deleted AAD User from Azure Active Directory Portal. The option to restore the deleted users is useful if we accidentally deleted the users, a permanently deleted user can’t be restored.

After you delete a user, the account remains in a suspended state for 30 days. During that 30-day window, the user account can be restored, along with all its properties. After that 30-day window passes, the permanent deletion process is automatically started.

A permanently deleted user can’t be restored by you, another administrator, or by Microsoft customer support. You can also permanently delete a user from your organization without waiting 30 days for automatic deletion.

You must have one of the roles Global administrator, Partner Tier1 Support, Partner Tier2 Support, or User administrator to restore and permanently delete users.

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Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal

You can view your restorable users, restore a deleted user, or permanently delete a user using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) in the Azure portal. You can also access AzureAD blade from Intune MEM portal.

  • Select Users, and then select Deleted users. Review the list of users that are available to restore

Note – When a user account is deleted from the organization, the account is in a suspended state and all the related organization information is preserved.

Deleted Users - Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal 1
Deleted Users – Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal 1

On the Deleted users, search for the deleted users who you want to restore and select one of the available users. For example, selected eligible users for restoring Jitesh Kumar.

Note – When you restore a user, all the related organization information is restored.

Select the checkbox and select Restore user. A popup will appear Restore selected users? Select OK to continue.

Click on Restore User - Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal 2
Click on Restore User – Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal 2

A notification will appear automatically in the top right-hand corner with a message. You can see “User successfully restored”.

User Successfully Restored - Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal 3
User Successfully Restored – Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal 3

Once a user is restored, licenses that were assigned to the user at the time of deletion are also restored even if there are no seats available for those licenses.

If you are then consuming licenses more than you purchased, your organization could be temporarily out of compliance for license usage.

You have successfully restored the deleted users and User “Jitesh Kumar” is available in the All users tab.

Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal 4
Restore Deleted AAD User From Azure Active Directory Portal 4


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