ACME Protocol Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune

Today we are discussing on ACME Protocol Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune. As you all know, Microsoft Intune enhances its features with every update. In 2024, one of the most advanced changes is in the Automated Certificate Management Environment Protocol (ACME) Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment.

Microsoft Intune improved the security of certificates, so it is updating to support managed device attestation using the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol. The integration of ACME will be one of the most critical changes to the Apple device platform.

This update includes a gradual rollout of a new system for new enrollments that supports the ACME protocol. The Automated Certificate Management Environment protocol was created to make it easier to automatically get, renew, and manage digital certificates.

ACME protocol support for macOS device enrollment and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune significantly improves certificate management and device security. So in this briefly overview Automated Certificate Management Environment Protocol Support for macOS and ADE in Intune.

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What is the Automated Certificate Management Environment Protocol?

Automated Certificate Management Environment also known as ACME is used for large scale deployments. It also manage multiple certificates across various domains. By supporting the ACME protocol, Intune can verify the security and integrity of macOS devices.

ACME Protocol Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune

Above we discussed an overall view on a topic of Automated Certificate Management Environment Protocol Support for macOS and ADE in Intune. This update enhances security and efficiency while preparing for managed device attestation.

  • It enables organizations to manage macOS devices securely and effectively.
  • ACME supports various Apple enrollment methods such as ADE (Apple device enrollment), Apple Configurator Enrollment and Automated device enrollment.
ACME Protocol Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune -Fig.1
ACME Protocol Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune -Fig.1

ACME Protocol and Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol

As we know that Microsoft Intune is used the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). This is used to enrolling and managingf the Certificates. In now Apple ddevices getting Automated Certificate Management Environment.This will helpful for protecting unauthorized certificate issuance.

  • This new Changes allows strong validation and automated processes, reducing errors in certificate management.
NoSupported OS Versions for ACME Enrollment
1iOS 16.0 or later
2iPadOS 16.1 or later
3macOS 13.1 or later
ACME Protocol Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune -Table.1

Know more about SCEP: Knowing SCEP – The General Workflow Intune PKI Made Easy With Joy – Part 2

ACME Protocol Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune-Fig.2
ACME Protocol Support for macOS and Automated Device Enrollment in Intune -Fig.2

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Anoop C Nair has been Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for 10 consecutive years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is also a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His primary focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career, etc.

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