FIX: Create MDT Task Sequence Missing from SCCM Console

The Create MDT Task Sequence Missing from SCCM console. What happened to the Task Sequence node? This is being observed after successfully integrating MDT with Configuration Manager. MDT adds many enhancements to Configuration Manager, and It provides more than 280 enhancements that MDT adds to Configuration Manager.

I had recently noticed this issue in SCCM Configuration Facebook Group reported by community members. If you have finished integrated MDT with Configuration Manager after relaunching sccm console, you will experience it while navigating to the task sequence node inside sccm console, and the Create MDT Task Sequence is not visible for you.

The integration process happens at the console level. Installing MDT makes no changes to the ConfigMgr server. To use the MDT extensions, you need to install and integrate MDT on every system with the ConfigMgr console installed.

Create MDT Task Sequence Missing – SCCM Console

You will notice that create MDT Task Sequence is missing when attempting to create a Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) task sequence from SCCM Console. Let’s check the details below for possible solutions for this issue.  

Patch My PC
Create MDT Task Sequence Missing from SCCM Console
SCCM Console – Task Sequence Node | Create MDT Task Sequence Missing

FIX – Create MDT Task Sequence Missing?

Let’s check the possible solution to Create MDT Task Sequence Missing in SCCM Console –

#Option 1 –

  • In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and select Sites.
  • Select Hierarchy Settings from the ribbon.
SCCM Console - Administration > Sites > Hierarchy Settings
SCCM Console – Administration > Sites > Hierarchy Settings
  • On the General tab, disable (Uncheck) the Only allow console extensions that are approved for the hierarchy option.

The setting remains disabled by default, if you upgraded from a version prior to SCCM 2103. Disabling the setting allows the old-style extensions to be used again.

SCCM Console - Hierarchy Settings Properties
SCCM Console – Hierarchy Settings Properties
  • Select Ok when done to close the Hierarchy Settings Properties.
  • Close the Configuration Manager console and re-open it. Here you can see the Create MDT Task Sequence appread under Task Sequences node.
Software Library > Task Sequences > Create MDT Task Sequence
Software Library > Task Sequences > Create MDT Task Sequence

#Option 2 –

You need to remove and reinstall the MDT console extensions for System Center Configuration Manager. For more details about the removal process, you can follow this post. The Impact of Removing the MDT Integration, This process will not impact the existing task sequence already in SCCM. 



About Author -> Jitesh has over 5 years of working experience in the IT Industry. He writes and shares his experiences related to Microsoft device management technologies and IT Infrastructure management. His primary focus area is Windows 10 Deployment solution with Configuration Manager, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), and Microsoft Intune.

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