Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune

Today, we are discussing how to install the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) using the Enterprise App Catalog in Microsoft Intune. As we know, Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based endpoint management service. The Enterprise App Catalog is one of the best features of Intune for deploying applications within an organization.

Installing GIMP through the Enterprise App Catalog in Microsoft Intune is both straightforward and efficient. This allows administrators to easily install and update GIMP across devices, which helps boost productivity and ensures compliance with software licensing requirements.

The Enterprise App Catalog in Microsoft Intune lets administrators manage and deploy various Microsoft and third-party apps. You know GIMP is a free, open-source graphics editor released in 1996.

It works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Developed by volunteers, GIMP is continually improved and updated. So, in this post we can look a step-by-step guide for how to install GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune.

Patch My PC

What is GIMP App?

The GNU Image Manipulation Program, commonly known as GIMP. It has made a big impact on graphic design, especially as open-source software. Also GIMP is very useful for education, offering a free way to learn and teach graphic design.

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune

Above we discussed a brief overview of Installing GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune. This is very easy for administrators to download a GIMP for their organization without any difficulties. So above let’s look how it works.

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.1
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.1

How it Works

Firstly, we have to log in to Microsoft Intune with credentials. In the Intune admin portal go to the App section and then click on the All-apps option (Apps >All apps).

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.2
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.2

When you click on all apps you will get the option for +Add and also you can select the app type. There will be a list of App types. For installing GNU Image Manipulation Program will do in the Enterprise catalog app type. After selecting the Enterprise app catalog app click on the Next.

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.3
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.3

App Information

The next section is App information. On the app information page, you can see the select app option. You have to click on that. You will get an option for selecting apps when you click the Select App option. There, you can easily choose GIMP.

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig4
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig4

In the Select tab section, you can see that to Subcategories like select app and configuration; in the select app, you can select the GIMP file, right? Now, you can see the configuration tab in the configuration tab; you will get the information like package name, language, architecture and versions.

  • Also, you can easily select the GIMP by clicking.
  • Now you can click the Select option for further proceedings,
Package NameLanguageArchitectureVersion
GIMP en-US*642.10.38.1
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.5
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.5

Another step in the app information process is selecting a logo for the app. First, scroll down the app information page. Next, you’ll see the “Select Image” option, which is a hyperlink. Click on it to choose the logo from your files. Select the GIMP logo that you downloaded earlier, and then click the OK button

  • After adding Logo you can easily click on the Next
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.6
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.6


After the app information, you will get the program tab. Here, you don’t need to do any specific things. This option is mandatory in the program tab. You will get information like the install command and install. Command installation, the time required, the available time, uninstallation options, etc.

  • In this tab, you can easily click on the next, and there is no need to change anything.
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.7
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.7


On the Requirements Tab, you can either skip this step if you don’t have any specific requirements, or you can set conditions that devices must meet for the app to be installed. If you choose to set requirements, you’ll see details like the operating system version and architecture.

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.8
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.8

Detection Rules

After the requirement tab, you will get the detection rules, in this section you will get information about the rules format and Registry information.

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.9
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.9

Scope Tags

After the Detection Rules Tab section, you will find the mandatory Scope tag option. This option can be skipped; you can easily click next.

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.10
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.10


The next step is assignment, which is crucial for policy deployment. In this section, you can specify the group for which you need to install the app. You will notice the ‘Include’ option, allowing you to select the group to which the policy will be deployed.

  • Here, I selected our test group.
  • Once you’ve made your selection, you can easily click ‘Next‘ to proceed.
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.2
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.11


Review+create are the last and final steps for app installation. On this page, you can see all the information about the policy, like name, description, publisher, and app version. You can check everything and don’t need to change anything here. You click on the Add App option.

Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.12
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.12

Monitor Status

After clicking the “Add App” option, you must wait 8 hours to install the app on your organization. To shorten the 8 hours, Go to the Cloud PC, select the Company Portal, click on the settings in the Company Portal, and click on the sync option.

  • After that you can check the App ois Installed or Not by checkinhg the Monitor status.
  • You can see that 1 Installed report.
How to Check Monitor Stus (App OInstallation)
Apps> All Apps> Select the GIMP (from all apps). You will get the overview page of selected app.
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.13
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.13

End User Experience

You can also check the End User Experience for that Go to the Cloud PC and select the Company Portal option.In the Company Portal, navigate to the “Downloads and Updates” section. Then you can Search for the GIMP file. If you find it, click on it to open.

  • Here you can see the app is installed for the prefered Group.
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.14
Install GNU Image Manipulation Program using Enterprise App Catalog App in Intune-Fig.14

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Anoop C Nair has been Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for 10 consecutive years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is also a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His primary focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career, etc.

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