Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues. By this time, the MDT 2013 RTM release is old news. The latest version of the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) has been released today.

Download MDT 2013 from here. Many excellent documents, such as MDT 2013, are available here.

This documentation will help you familiarize yourself with MDT 2013 log files, TS variables, Task Sequence steps, User Driver Installation (UDI) configurations, the UDI developer guide, ConfigMgr 2012 R2 configuration, etc. It also covers deployment methods and shows how to customize an organization’s deployment process.

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT performs deployments by using the Lite Touch Installation (LTI), Zero Touch Installation (ZTI), and User-Driven Installation (UDI) deployment methods. Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues?

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Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues

Only MDT is used in LTI deployments, while ZTI and UDI deployments are performed using MDT with SCCM ConfigMgr 2012 R2.

MDT 2013 release notes contain 36 known issues, which are listed below. Five categories of known issues have already been documented! The release notes also contain a workaround for most of these known issues.

These are the documented known issues. We’ll learn more about the issues arising when many people use the new version.

General Known Issues  (8 known issues)
Known Issues for LTI Deployments Only  (11 known issues)
Known Issues for All SCCM ConfigMgr Deployments  (9 known issues)
Known Issues for LTI and ZTI Deployments (2 known issues)
Known Issues for UDI Deployments (6 known issues)

General Known Issues – Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues

Let’s discuss the General Known Issues—Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues. The list below helps you show more details.

  1. Compiled HTML help files are not up to date
  2. Modifying key task sequence steps can lead to unpredictable results
  3. Domain join fails when an organizational unit (OU) contains special characters
  4. Configure ADDS step does not have an option for Windows Server 2012 domain and forest functional levels
  5. GPO Packs do not exist
  6. The Configuration Manager console will crash if MDT is uninstalled without removing the console extensions
  7. OOBE settings missing from Windows 8.1 Unattend.xml template
  8. Some features are listed incorrectly for Windows 8.1

Known Issues for LTI Deployments Only – Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues

Let’s discuss the Known Issues for LTI Deployments Only – Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues.

  1. Check for Updates and download an older list of components
  2. Windows 8.1 AppX cleanup maintenance task can affect Sysprep
  3. Existing databases will retain 50-character application names when upgrading to MDT 2013
  4. The deployment will fail on a legacy BIOS system if BitLocker is enabled and a data partition is created
  5. Provisioning of Windows Store applications does not include dependencies
  6. GPT drives are partitioned as MBR
  7. Domain join fails due to default variable values
  8. User data may not be restored from USB
  9. User-mapped network drive Z: is not restored
  10. Bare-metal deployment fails with a “fixed disk” USB flash drive on the UEFI system
  11. LTI progress on the Windows 8.1 Desktop is not visible from the Start screen
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues - Fig.1
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues – Fig.1

Known Issues for All Configuration Manager Deployments

Let’s discuss the Known Issues for All Configuration Manager Deployments. The list below will help you to see more details.

  1. Default OS image installed to D: drive
  2. BitLocker tasks fail during ZTI
  3. The task sequence fails when local administrator accounts exist
  4. Installing Chinese Windows 7 prompts for user input
  5. The restore User State step is skipped during the replace scenario
  6. The task sequence may fail with separate System or Active partitions
  7. USMT /TargetWindows7 switch fails in offline scenario
  8. The Configure ADDS step does not save correctly
  9. Server task sequence template fails on UEFI system

Known Issues for LTI and ZTI Deployments

The Known Issues for LTI and ZTI Deployments are shown in the list below.

Known Issues for LTI and ZTI Deployments
Roles and features requiring multiple restarts cause problems for task sequences
Multiple logs created during deployment
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues – Table 1

Known Issues for UDI Deployments

Let’s discuss the Known Issues for UDI Deployments. The list below will help you to see more details.

  1. UDI Wizard hides the No Data option on the User State page in Capture Mode
  2. The time and currency language format is not configured
  3. Applications do not appear after the added
  4. Applications may not be installed
  5. Deployment time is not correct during stand-alone media deployment
  6. OSDDomainName variable does not work as expected


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Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for consecutive 10 years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career etc…

11 thoughts on “Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT List of 36 Known Issues”

  1. I am unable to reimage a machine running Windows XP to Windows 7 using the Refresh scenario.

    ZTI Error – Unhandled error returned by LTIApply: the system cannot find file specified. (2147024894 0x80070002)

  2. I can not get the application task sequence to run on my Windows 8.1 image. I can picks the applications I want installed as usual. Everything runs as expected. The deployment finishes with zero errors. No applications installed. The task does work in my Win7 / 8 images.

  3. “Enable BitLocker” Task does not work for me when deploying Windows 8.1 Pro with MDT 2013 in a LTI. The BDD Log suggests it’s doing a check for Vista Enterprise or Windows 7 Ultimate…

    “Enable BitLocker (Offline)” preprovision works OK. Drive shows as encrypted in the OS but BitLocker reports that it needs to be activated. Running the following does that (which I assume the Enable BitLocker task would have taken care of):

    manage-bde -protectors -add c: -recoverypassword


    manage-bde -protectors -enable c:

    Anyone else found this?

  4. BDD Log entry was omitted. I’ll try again to post it without the special characters….

    _LOG_ BitLocker is only supported on Windows Enterprise or Windows Ultimate or Windows Server _LOG_

  5. I just realized MDT 2013 dropped support for Server 2008 SP2 which is what my primary SCCM server is on. Anyway around this? It installs, but nothing works, I just happened to see 2008 SP2 wasn’t listed as a supported OS.

  6. Question? I am imaging a machine and make it so the “Inject Drivers” options are not part of it, but it still installs new drivers. My original pre-sysprep image doesn’t have the driver installed and doesn’t need it, but it still installs a new driver for a program. What could be the issue there?


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