FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager

FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager? WSUS installations have never been kind enough to me in my career as an SCCM admin! Every time I get stuck in WSUS installation, and this time it is not any different.

The installation of WSUS was not happening on the newly installed Server 2008 R2. WUSU installation got failed with event ID 11722. The details of event ID 11722 are given below, but it was not showing any clear indication of the issue.

SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722

Product: Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.  Action PERF_COUNTER_INST, location: C:\Program Files\Update Services\Setup\HideConsoleApp.exe, command: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.6.1086\InstallUtil.exe /LogFile="C:\Users\ANOOP~1.NAI\AppData\Local\Temp\2\WSUSCa_170117_1039.log" /ShowCallStack /WsusInstall /CategoryMessageFile="C:\Program Files\Update Services\Common\EventCategories.dll " "C:\Program Files\Update Services\Setup\bin\Microsoft.UpdateServices.Setup.CustomActions.dll "
FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager
FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager

In the event log, we can see that the MSI installation of WSUS got failed. The MSI installation failed when it was trying to perform an MSI custom action called PERF_COUNTER_INST. It couldn’t complete this action; hence it got failed.

I checked the MSI log file called WSUSCa_170117_1039.log to get more details about the error, but there was nothing much expected from the error in the event log above. Rather the error was a bit more confusing. After some google search, I tried to reset the Performance counter, but that didn’t help either. But what is the point in resetting the perm counter of a newly installed server 🙂

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FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager?

MSI (s) (F8:9C) [10:23:27:201]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=PERF_COUNTER_CLEAN,ActionType=5202,Source=C:\Program Files\Update Services\Setup\HideConsoleApp.exe,Target=SupressError C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.6.1086\InstallUtil.exe /u /LogFile="" /WsusInstall "C:\Program Files\Update Services\Setup\bin\Microsoft.UpdateServices.Setup.CustomActions.dll ",)

FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722?

OK, so as the next step, I checked the .NET Framework folder path, which appears in the log file. The folder path is “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.6.1086\” and this is the place where WSUS MSI custom action is supposed to happen. But the MSI couldn’t complete this custom action because of some issue.

When I checked, there was no folder called “v4.6.1086” in that path. Then I checked the .Net versions installed on the server, and I found that .Net Framework 4.6.1 is installed. Yes, .Net  framework 4.6.1 is installed, but there is no folder “v4.6.1086” created for .NET.

FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager?

FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager
FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager

I uninstalled the .NET Framework 4.6.1, and that resolved the issue. The WSUS got installed successfully on the server without any issues. FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager?


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Anoop is Microsoft MVP! He is a Solution Architect in enterprise client management with more than 20 years of experience (calculation done in 2021) in IT. He is a blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group HTMD Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM 2012, Current Branch, and Intune. E writes about ConfigMgr, Windows 11, Windows 10, Azure AD, Microsoft Intune, Windows 365, AVD, etc…

4 thoughts on “FIX SCCM ConfigMgr WSUS Error 1722 Action Performance Counter Installation Configuration Manager”

  1. Higher version of .net frame work is not supported for installation of WSUS on Windows 2008 R2 so is it supported on windows server 2012?

    What is the supported version of .net framework on windows 2008 R2.

    • Unfortunately, there is no documentation I could found on this. However, from Server 2012 + SCCM CB onwards, we don’t need to install WSUS from any MSI. Rather we can directly install it from server manager !

  2. THANK YOU!!! After removing .Net 4.7 it installed. I had tried everything else. Thanks for sharing your expertise!


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