Learn Key Security Features of Windows 10 Enterprise Environment

Learn key security features of the Windows 10 Enterprise Environment. Once upon a time, antivirus software with malware/spyware protection was more than enough to protect Windows endpoint devices. However, cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Windows 10 is Microsoft’s answer to sophisticated cyber attacks in the modern world. This post will provide details about the Windows 10 Security Infographic, which will help you understand key security features of the Windows 10 enterprise environment.

Infographic – Easy Understanding of Key Security Features of Windows 10. The primary trigger for Windows 10 migration is a security enhancement. Another trigger is Windows 7 will stop getting security patches after January 14, 2020.

I don’t believe that only antivirus and malware/spyware solutions can help us protect Windows 10 corporate devices. Instead, we need to build a security ecosystem to protect Windows devices.

Security Ecosystem and Key Security Features of Windows 10

Windows 10 is redefining the way we think about security. We should start securing the Win10 environment with UEFI and TPM.  Improved identity control, access control, cloud security integration, and containerization (with hyper-v component) are part of the Windows 10 security echo system.

Windows Defender advanced threat protection (Windows Defender ATP) is one of the leading pillars of the Windows 10 ecosystem. Microsoft provided a more detailed analysis of how threats can be mitigated using Windows 10 security features. Learn about the Windows 10 Security Ecosystem.

How to Secure Windows 10 Enterprise Environment

To secure your Windows 10 enterprise environment, you must understand the Windows 10 security ecosystem. Windows 10 security ecosystems include loads of moving parts. It’s not very easy to understand each security component of Windows 10. Here is your best opportunity to understand all Windows 10 security ecosystems.

Learn Key Security Features of Windows 10 Enterprise Environment - Fig.1
Learn Key Security Features of Windows 10 Enterprise Environment – Fig.1

You can learn about Windows 10 security components through Adaptiva’s Windows 10 Security Primer Infographic. Windows 10 security infographic explains each feature and what it can do for your enterprise. The infographic has arranged Windows 10 security at each operating phase.

Windows 10 security
Learn Key Security Features of Windows 10 Enterprise Environment – Table 1
Learn Key Security Features of Windows 10 Enterprise Environment - Fig.2
Learn Key Security Features of Windows 10 Enterprise Environment – Fig.2

Windows 10 Endpoint Security Automation

When you are responsible for managing tens of thousands of Windows endpoints, you are stressed trying to ensure they are all healthy, up-to-date, and secure.

You can use scripts, but that requires you to write many scripts, test them, and figure out how to run them on all your endpoints.

Then, you have to follow up on success and failure enterprise-wide and provide reports, which is tricky if you are using a patchwork of scripts. The above infographic post from Adaptiva has a clear solution for this.


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Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for consecutive 10 years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career etc…

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