The New SCM Security Compliance Manager is Ready for Download

The New SCM Security Compliance Manager is Ready for Download. Microsoft has released a new version of SCM, V3.0.60. The latest version includes new baselines for Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, and IE 10.

We can quickly configure and manage systems and your private cloud using Group Policy and ConfigMgr through SCM.

As part of Security Compliance Manager (SCM), V 3.0.60 includes Microsoft SQL  Server 2008 (if you do not have one SQL Server available, the SCM Windows Installer will provide you with SQL Server Express at no cost) and Microsoft Visual C++ Redistribute—10.0.30319 (it’s also included in the SCM Windows Installer). We can download it.

The key features and benefits of having a Microsoft Security Compliance Manager are as follows: The new SCM Security Compliance Manager is Ready for Download.

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The New SCM Security Compliance Manager is Ready for Download

Centralized Management and Baseline Portfolio: The centralized SCM management console provides a unified user experience for planning, customizing, importing, and exporting security and compliance baselines.

Security Compliance ManagerDetails
Settings Library Version2.0.82001
The New SCM Security Compliance Manager is Ready for Download – Table 1
The New SCM Security Compliance Manager is Ready for Download - Fig.1
The New SCM Security Compliance Manager is Ready for Download – Fig.1

SCM gives you full access to a complete portfolio of recommended Microsoft product baselines for Windows® client and server operating systems and applications. The new SCM Security Compliance Manager is Ready for Download.

Baseline Customization: Customizing, merging, and reviewing your baselines became easier. Now, you can use SCM’s new customization capabilities to duplicate any of Microsoft’s recommended product baselines and quickly modify security and compliance settings to meet your organization’s environment standards.

Baseline Comparison and Export: SCM enables you to adopt the latest Microsoft product releases quickly. Side-by-side baseline comparison features allow you to easily identify any changes to setting configurations and merge baselines within a product family.

Export and deploy baselines in your preferred format, including DCM Configuration Packs, Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), Microsoft® Excel® workbooks, Group Policy Objects (GPOs), or SCM .cab files.

Baseline Compliance Monitoring and Verification: Keep current with the latest releases from Microsoft, automate your security baseline compliance process, and take advantage of baseline version control and automatic update features.

SCM’s planning, customization, and export and import features quickly enable you to use monitoring and verification technologies, automate policy deployment, and produce compliance reports.


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Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for consecutive 10 years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career etc…

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