Announcing INWVDUG Indian Azure Virtual Desktop User Group AVD

I am happy to announce the INWVDUG (Indian Azure Virtual Desktop User Group). Welcome Windows Virtual Desktop (AVD) enthusiasts worldwide.

We’re an online and in-person tech enthusiast group hosting live speaking events on various tech topics related to Azure Virtual Desktop.

You can join us at one of our Team online meetings. Look out for our online events and other networking events.

Connect with INWVDUG

There are several options to connect with us online. The following are some of the options:

Patch My PC
Announcing INWVDUG Indian Azure Virtual Desktop User Group AVD - Fig.1
Announcing INWVDUG Indian Azure Virtual Desktop User Group AVD – Fig.1

Global AVD Community

You can check the global AVD community on the following website: https://wvdcommunity. Global User Group Details are available at the following link.



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