Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11

Let’s learn how to enable or disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on low disk space in windows 11. Microsoft adds a memory dump option i.e., Automatic Memory Dump, and it was introduces from Windows 8. This is a default option in windows 11.

Windows 10/11 introduced a new dump file type called Active Memory Dump. The Blue Screen of Death error (BSOD), which was also called a stop error, can occur if a problem causes your PC to shut down or restart unexpectedly or crashes. If this type of error happen then you face things like Start Menu or that taskbar when turn on the PC.

When above problem happens then it show a blue screen with a message that your PC ran into a problem and needs restart. When hard drive space becomes low, the system automatically deletes both mini dumps in C:\Windows\minidump and full system dump in C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP by default.

According to Robert Simpkins, Senior Support Escalation Engineer, Automatic Memory Dump is to create support for System Manged Page file configuration. Its configuration is responsible for managing the page so it avoids over sizing your page file.

Patch My PC
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 1
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 1

Are there any Group Policy and Intune Policy Settings that Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11?

Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11

The answer is no. We cannot find any Group Policy and Intune Policy to Change WorkGroup in Windows 11. If you have anything, let us know in the Comments.

Windows Settings App

You can modify the workgroup settings using Windows settings. To do so, click the Windows button, select Settings, or press Win Key + I to open settings directly.

Then, under settings, click the System option on the left panel. Find the About (used for device specification, rename PC, Windows Specification) option in the right panel, then click on it to open.

NOTE: You have to login as an Administrator to make the following changes.

Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 2
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 2

When the About window appears, you can see all the information about your device presented here. Scroll below and click on the Advanced System Setting link under the Related Links option.

Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 3
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 3

When you click Advanced System Settings, the System Properties window pops up. Under the Advanced tab, click the Change button, as shown below. Now under the Advanced tab you can see the option Startup and Recovery, which used for system startup, system failure and debugging information. Then click on Settings… button to move to the next window.

Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 4
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 4

Here you can see the various dump options under Write debugging information, from where the Automatic memory dump is selected by default. The options are listed below.

  • Small Memory Dump (256 KB): This collects little amount of data about the problem as the stop code forthe BSOD, the list of all the laoed drivers, and some processor and kernel information. The dump history is saved in the %SystemRoot%\Minidump folder. This option save memory, it is limited since a lot of infromation that ming help to find out the problem that not included. During second error, the previous file does not overwritten.
  • Kernel Memory Dump: This option records only the information allocated for the system kernel, hardware abstraction layer (HAL), kernel-mode drivers, and other kernel-mode programs. This error dump file is less than half of amount of the total physical memory. In most cases, this is the recommended option since it does not take a lot of space and it includes most of the information involved in the crash. The data is saved into the %SystemRoot%\Memory.dmp file by default.
  • Complete Memory Dump: This option includes everything loaded into the physical memory, except the space used by the device firmware. Since this could be a large file, it requires a pagefile that is the total physical memory size. The crash is saved into the %SystemRoot%\Memory.dmp file by default.
  • Automatic Memory Dump: This option collects the information allocated in memory like the kernel memory dump, but if the virtual memory is set to system managed size, Windows 10 can automatically configure the file size to capture the data required to analyze the problem. The crash is saved into the %SystemRoot%\Memory.dmp file by default
  • Active Memory Dump: This option collects the same information as the Complete memory dump. The difference is that it discards information that may not be relevant to troubleshoot the issue. The crash is saved into the %SystemRoot%\Memory.dmp file by default
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 5
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 5

Now the Automatic memory dump is enabled by default. You have to check the Disable automatic deletion of memory dumps when disk space is low to disable it, or uncheck to enable, and then press OK. It return to the System Properties window and press OK to confirm the changes.

NOTE: Restart the system after the changes.

Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 6
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 6

Windows Run Command

Users can use the Command Prompt in Admin mode to change Workgroup in Windows 11. Press Win Key + R simultaneously to open the run dialogue box, and follow the below steps. The Run window said to type the name of a program, folder, document, or internet resource, and Windows will open it for you. Now follow the steps shown and described in Fig. 4 to Fig. 6 above for further changes.

  • Press Win Key + R
  • Type SYSDM.CPL
  • Press Enter
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 7
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 7

Registry Editor

Using the registry editor, you can enable disable auto deletion of memory dumps on low disk space in Windows 11. This procedure is done using the Registry Editor. Let’s discuss the step-by-step guidelines for it. You can do the above using the three methods listed below.

Now, open Run Window, and press Windows Key + R from the keyboard simultaneously. This is the keyboard shortcut to open the run window. Now, type regedit and press Enter.

Registry Editor
Window Key + R (To open run command)
Type ‘regedit‘ and press OK
Administrator Permission press Yes
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Table 1
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 8
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 8

NOTE! Take Backup—If any mistake occurs in the Registry Editor, it may affect the system. It is advisable to take a backup of the Registry before proceeding. To back up, go to File in the top left corner of the Registry Editor. Click on it, then select Export and save the backup.

  • Go to File.
  • Right-click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  • Click on Export.
  • Please save it.
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 9
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 9

In the registry editor, follow a certain path for certain applications. The trail to reach the required folder for further modification is listed below. Under the Registry Editor, there is a folder named Computer expand the Computer folder and process further.

  • Expand CurrentControlSet under SYSTEM
  • Click on Control under CurrentControlSet
  • Click on CrashControl under Control and find the AlwaysKeepMemoryDump

The path is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl.

Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 10
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 10

Now double click on AlwaysKeepMemoryDump to open, bydefault it is enabled and the value is 0. Change the value to 1 to disable the memory dump option.

Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 - Fig. 11
Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 – Fig. 11

I hope the information on Enable Disable Auto Deletion of Memory Dumps on Low Disk Space in Windows 11 is helpful. Please follow us on the HTMD Community and visit our website, HTMD Forum, if you like our content. Suggest improvements, if any, and we would love to know which topic you want us to explore next.

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Alok graduated with a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree. He loves writing on Windows 11 and related technologies. He likes to share his knowledge, quick tips, and tricks with Windows 11 or Windows 10 with the community.

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