How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune

Let’s learn how you can renew apple vpp tokens in Intune. Renewing Apple VPP (Volume Purchase Program) tokens in Intune is a straightforward process that allows organizations to continue managing their iOS apps and licenses effectively.

Apple VPP tokens are used to establish a connection between Intune and the Apple VPP service, enabling admins to deploy apps to devices and assign licenses to users. To renew these tokens in Intune, administrators typically navigate to the Apple VPP portal, generate a new VPP token, and then update the token within the Intune console.

By ensuring the timely renewal of these tokens, organizations can maintain seamless app distribution, license management, and overall device management within their iOS deployment, maximizing productivity and user experience.

To maintain the functionality and validity of your Apple VPP token or location token in Intune, it is important to renew, if the user who initially set up the token in Apple Business Manager undergoes a password change or leaves your organization, the token must be renewed. Failure to do so will result in the token being marked as “invalid” within Intune.

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You can be setting it up the behavior for automatic updates, and also prevent automatic updates for Apple VPP apps. Starting with Intune 2304 April Updates, You can control the automatic update behavior for Apple VPP apps at the per-app assignment level using the Prevent automatic updates setting.

Download Apple VPP Tokens from Apple Business Manager

By ensuring the timely renewal of these tokens, you can have uninterrupted access and management of your Apple VPP apps and licenses, preserving a seamless user experience within your organization.

You can renew an Apple Business Manager location token (Apple VPP token) by downloading the token from Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager. To renew an Apple Business Manager location token (Apple VPP token), use the following steps:

  • Navigate to Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.
  • Once you log in, To download the existing token click on the account name at the left side bottom in Apple Business (or School) Manager and select Preferences
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.1
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.1

Here Navigate to Payments and Billing > Apps and Books > Content Tokens. You will be able to see the token available to download, By clicking on the Download button token will be automatically downloaded.

How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.2
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.2

How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune

To renew VPP tokens in the Intune Admin center, follow these steps. Firstly, navigate to the section within the Intune Admin center where you can upload the newly downloaded token obtained from Apple Business Manager.

How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.3
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.3

In the Connectors and token, Click on the Apple Vpp Tokens node, here, you can configure and create Apple VPP tokens or update existing tokens. Select the VPP token you are renewing.

The recommended ways to renew the VPP token are by selecting the existing token or expired token and uploading new tokens. It is important to note deleting the existing tokens and creating a new token might lose all the previous assignments of VPP apps and the configuration attached to the managed apps.

How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.4
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.4

In the Apple Token properties, Click Edit on the Basics category. Here you will get various options to control the apps or account as well inside the settings.

How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.5
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.5

On the Basics tab, In the VPP token file, Select the downloaded .vpptoken file to upload, and then click on Review + save to save your changes.

How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.6
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.6

Once you Upload the new token, and then save your changes. A notification message will appear showing Apple tokens saved.

How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.7
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.7

In the Apple VPP Tokens, You can be able to see the updated Expiration date for VPP tokens and all other information. The token validity is extended to another year.

How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.8
How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune Fig.8


About Author – JiteshMicrosoft MVP, has over six years of working experience in the IT Industry. He writes and shares his experiences related to Microsoft device management technologies and IT Infrastructure management. His primary focus is Windows 10/11 Deployment solution with Configuration Manager, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), and Microsoft Intune.

1 thought on “How to Renew Apple VPP Tokens in Intune”

  1. I followed the steps. After saving, the expiration date updated but the status is now Duplicate. New apps do not work. Suggestions?


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