Microsoft Intune 2304 April Update Windows LAPS Management

This article overviews the new features in the Intune Service Release 2304 April Update introducing Windows LAPS Management, released monthly. Microsoft regularly releases updates, sometimes even every week, to improve the security and efficiency of device management.

The new features are published once Microsoft starts rolling out the admin UI updates in the console. There are a few exciting developments in the pipeline that will benefit IT admins. The Service Release number in the  Tenant Status blade in your console shows the released update.

Each update brings enhancements, and, crucially, new capabilities, empowering you to experiment with functionalities and deliver the best user experience. Familiarizing yourself with the Intune service release new features can provide you with additional insights into updates and their benefits.

Intune Service Health messages consolidate all health-related messages for the Intune service in a single location. The Health page is designed to provide insight into known issues, enabling you to troubleshoot problems and decide when and how to deploy updates.

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How to Check Microsoft Intune Version

The steps guide you through determining the latest version of Microsoft Intune for your tenant. Follow the steps below to check the Intune service release version for your tenant.

Navigate to the “Tenant Details” tab to view your current service version, which will be displayed under the “Service Release” heading. The latest released version is denoted by Intune Service Release 2304. Refer to the overview below for a summary of the naming convention used for Intune Service Releases.

Note💡Intune Service Release Version numbers are named based on the YYMM format. Here you can see Intune service release 2304. It means this version is released in April 2023.

Intune Service Release 2304 April Update Windows LAPS Management Fig.1
Intune Service Release 2304 April Update Windows LAPS Management Fig.1

The Intune service release 2304 number provides access to the “What’s new in Intune” article on Microsoft docs, where you can find information about the latest features and updates to the Intune service.

You can also read, Past releases in the What’s New to get more information about what new features Intune service updates were released.

Service ReleaseWhat’s New in Intune
Intune Service Release 2303New Feature In Intune Service Release 2303 March Update Endpoint Privilege Management
Intune Service Release 2302New Feature In Intune Service Release 2302 February Update Intune Brand Change
Intune Service Release 2301Explore Latest Enhancements In Intune Service Release 2301 January Update
Table 1 – Intune Service Release 2304 April Update

New Features, Improvements in Microsoft Intune Service 2304 April Update

The Intune service releases 2304 April update, and some features may roll out over several weeks and might not be available to all customers in the first week. This week’s newly released feature with Intune service release 2304 will be updated in the post.

Windows LAPS Management in Microsoft Intune

Starting from, Intune 2304 April Update. In the Intune console, admins can configure a laps policy to choose which directory you want to back up the local admin password to you have the choice to configure settings related to password complexity rotation schedule and targeted to devices in their environment.

You can monitor the success of policies using intunes default reports, admins can also choose to manually rotate the local admin password on a given device if you want to do this outside of the scheduled rotation with the right permissions, you can view the password itself and even see when the last and the next rotation is set to happen.

Laura Arrizza provides a walkthrough of Windows LAPS management in Microsoft Intune in the video that accompanies the April Update 2304 of “What’s New in Microsoft Intune.”

Intune Service Release 2304 April Update Windows LAPS Management Fig.2 Credit - Microsoft
Intune Service Release 2304 April Update Windows LAPS Management Fig.2 Credit – Microsoft

User Configuration Support for Windows 10 multi-session VMs is now GA

User configuration support for Windows 10 multi-session VMs is General Availability (GA) starting with Intune 2304 April Update. With this, you can:

  • Configure user scope policies using the Settings catalog and assign them to groups of users.
  • Configure user certificates and assign them to users.
  • Configure PowerShell scripts to install in the user context and assign them to users.

Add Google Accounts to Android Enterprise personally Owned Devices with a Work Profile

On Android Enterprise personally owned devices with a work profile, you can configure settings that restrict device features and settings. Currently, there is an Add and remove accounts setting. This setting prevents accounts from being added to the work profile, including preventing Google accounts.

This setting changed. Starting from, Intune 2304 April Update, You can now add Google accounts. The Add and remove accounts setting options are:

  • Block all accounts types: Prevents users from manually adding or removing accounts in the work profile. For example, when you deploy the Gmail app into the work profile, you can prevent users from adding or removing accounts in this work profile.
  • Allow all accounts types: Allows all accounts, including Google accounts. These Google accounts are blocked from installing Managed Google Play Store apps. This setting requires: Google Play app version 80970100 or higher
  • Allow all accounts types, except Google accounts (default): Intune doesn’t change or update this setting. By default, the OS might allow adding accounts to the work profile.

Update macOS DMG Apps

Starting from, Intune 2304 April Update, You can now update apps of type macOS apps (DMG) deployed using Intune. Edit a DMG app already created in Intune by uploading the update with the same bundle identifier as the original DMG app.

Here you can go through a quick overview of what is a DMG app, the types of app extensions used in macOS, and check more details, on how to Deploy DMG Apps In MacOS using Intune.

Microsoft Intune 2304 April Update Windows LAPS Management 1
Intune Service Release 2304 April Update Fig.3

Learn What’s new in Intune, When a feature is released, some information about that feature is added to this article. It also includes an overview of the current release, any notices, information about earlier releases, and other information.


About Author – JiteshMicrosoft MVP, has over six years of working experience in the IT Industry. He writes and shares his experiences related to Microsoft device management technologies and IT Infrastructure management. His primary focus is Windows 10/11 Deployment solution with Configuration Manager, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), and Microsoft Intune.

1 thought on “Microsoft Intune 2304 April Update Windows LAPS Management”

  1. Hi, thanks for share. Quick question, does it works if i have another intune config profile that rename the local admin account? we need to have some particular consideration???
    thanks in advance.


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