List of Free SCCM Catalogs for Third-Party Software Updates

Let’s check out the List of Free SCCM Catalogs for Third-Party Software Updates. In the previous post, I explained how to set up third-party software updates.

I recommend reading the third-party patching setup guide. In this post, I will provide you with a list of free third-party software update catalogs (Free SCCM Catalogs).

In this post, I will try to keep the three different lists of catalogs. There are free custom catalogs and paid custom catalogs.

The other type of catalog is the partner catalog. The partner catalog has only three vendors: Dell, HP, and Lenovo.

Patch My PC
List of Free SCCM Catalogs for Third-Party Software Updates - Fig.1
List of Free SCCM Catalogs for Third-Party Software Updates – Fig.1

[Related Post SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step-by-Step Guide Post 1 & SCCM Third-Party Updates Background Process Guide Post 3]

Partner Catalogs Vs. Custom Catalogs

There are two types of catalogs in SCCM third-party software updates. The partner catalogs are free third-party software update catalogs that are available out of the box in the SCCM console. The list of free SCCM catalogs is in the section below this post.

  1. Partner catalogs are third-party application vendor catalogs already registered with Microsoft. They come with an SCCM license (no extra license cost).
  2. Custom Catalogs are third-party application catalogs that you can add manually to the SCCM console. The section below provides more details.

NOTE 1SCCM Third-Party Software Updates introduced a new version of the catalog CAB file. The new version includes the certificates for the vendor’s binary files.

NOTE 2 – SCCM Third-Party Software Update feature supports (backport) the use of an older versions of catalog CAB files (custom catalogs). Hence, you can still use the vendor CAB files which are there in the SCUP.

Partner CatalogsThird-Party Updates

SCCM partner catalogs are free services Microsoft provides in collaboration with third-party software vendors. There is no additional license cost to subscribe partner catalog in SCCM. More details about free SCCM catalogs are in the below section.

Download URL for Microsoft partner CAB file –

You need to enable third-party software updates to make default partner catalogs available in the SCCM console. There are two(2) partner catalogs available with SCCM 1903 preview version.

The following is the updated list of Partner Catalogs.

  • HP – HP Client Updates Catalog
  • Dell – Dell Business Client Updates Catalog
  • Lenovo (1906 onwards)
  • More lists are coming soon

Free Custom Catalogs – Third-Party Updates

Most of the third-party applications are not providing free update catalogs for their applications. You can change this practice in the IT industry if you force vendors to offer free application update catalogs as part of the license cost you pay.

Adobe is one of the vendors that provide free third-party software update catalogues. The following list includes free update catalogs available on the market. The table below provides more details about the free SCCM catalogs for SCCM Third-Party Software Updates.

  • Adobe
  • HP
  • Dell
  • Fujistu
  • Lenovo
  • etc…

List of Free SCCM Catalogs & Download URLs

The list of catalogues and download URLs gets you to start the journey of SCCM third-party patching. I’ve checked all these URLs, and all are working while I’m writing this post.

NOTE! – Most of the following catalogs might move to partner catalogs in the future versions of SCCM 1906 or 1910.

Update (14 May 2019) – I got feedback from Jonathan on Twitter and he provided useful links for Adobe products.

NameDownload URL
Reader DC
Acrobat DC
Adobe Reader X
Adobe Reader 11
Adobe Acrobat X
Adobe Acrobat 11
Lenovo Updates
HP ProLiant Catalogue (Thanks to Dennis) or
HP Enterprise Client Update
Fujistu Updates
Dell Server Updates
Dell Business Client Update
List of Free SCCM Catalogs for Third-Party Software Updates – Table

I created the above list of custom catalogs and download URLs from the SCUP 2017 preview out of box publisher’s details. The details are shown in the following picture.

SCCM Third-Party Catalogs

Do you still need to purchase SCCM third-party catalogs? Yes, I think, 99% of the applications are not covered in free SCCM catalogs. Hence you might still need to purchase an SCCM third-party custom catalog.

As you can see in the above list, there are only very few free update catalogs. But, you need to patch all your applications.

There are three(3) oblivious options while you build the third-party software update strategy.

My preferred option is to continue with the existing process. I would also start the study to move toward the second option from the list below.

  • Continue with the existing process (internal packaging).
  • Purchase custom catalogs from third-party update catalog vendors. The list of vendors is below. Most of these vendors provide updates for 250+ applications.
  • Wait for the update of out of box partner catalogs in SCCM. Most likely, this will not happen in another 5-10 years.

There are many SCCM custom catalog vendors available to extend the SCCM third-party software updates and patch more than 250+ applications. However, they charge you extra license fees for each device that you patch using their third-party update catalog.

Vendors Provide Custom Catalog

The following are the two vendors that provide a custom catalog to support more third-party product updates with the new SCCM third-party updates feature.

Vendors work with Extra SCCM Plugin

The following vendors don’t use the new SCCM third-party patching feature with the custom catalog option. I didn’t hear back anything about their future plans till now.

  • Solarwinds (Extra Agent Required? I don’t think so. But, it requires Solarwinds extra SCCM plugin to be installed with SCCM console)
  • ivanti (Agent Less. But it requires an extra SCCM plugin – More details here)
  • Centero Software Manager


Bonus Tip

The following logfile(SMS_ISVUPDATES_SYNCAGENT.log) entries are created when you enable third-party software updates from SCCM.

UnSubscribed from Registry Hive: LocalMachine, KeyPath: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\WSUS, FilterType: ValueChange, WatchSubTree: False
Information: Successfully subscribed listener to registry key.
Settings: Third party updates are not enabled, component is inactive.
SyncPartnerCatalogs: Downloading partner catalogs list from ''…
SyncPartnerCatalogs: Download of partner catalogs list completed successfully.
SyncPartnerCatalogs: Extracted catalogs list.
SyncPartnerCatalogs: Parsing the partner catalogs list and updating the database.
SyncPartnerCatalogs: Catalog 'HP Client Updates Catalog' was not found, adding.
SyncPartnerCatalogs: Catalog 'Dell Business Client Updates Catalog' was not found, adding.
SyncPartnerCatalogs: Successfully updated the list of partner catalogs
SyncPartnerCatalogs: Completed update of catalogs list.

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Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP! He is a Device Management Admin with more than 20 years of experience (calculation done in 2021) in IT. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group HTMD Community leader. His primary focus is Device Management technologies like SCCM 2012, Current Branch, and Intune. He writes about ConfigMgr, Windows 11, Windows 10, Azure AD, Microsoft Intune, Windows 365, AVD, etc.

54 thoughts on “List of Free SCCM Catalogs for Third-Party Software Updates”

  1. Whats the download link for flashplayer for windows 7? it has changed recently as the publisher changed from like adobe systems to adobe and i haven’t been able to download flashplayer active x, npapi, ppapi since last month


  2. Hello Anup,
    I have tested the Ivanti Patch for SCCM plug-in on SCCM 1802 version and it doesn’t have separate client. It works with existing SCCM infrastructure without any additional investment except the license cost of Ivanti Patch for SCCM. It has lot of 3rd Party Vendors Catalogs without any speparte subscription or cost.

      • Hello Anoop,

        Apologize for replying very late but I would like to inform you that Ivanti Patch for SCCM doesn’t create any separate agent it perfectly works on sccm client and fully integrates with existing SCCM infrastructure and uses the existing SCCM infrastructure for deploying the 3rd party updates. The troubleshooting part of Ivanti Patch for SCCM is almost similar to SCCM software update troubleshooting.

  3. Hi reacting to the third party listing: The Ivanti Patch solution works without an extra agent. We just install a native Microsoft SCCM plugin that integrates with the SCCM console. For all clarity and transparency, I work for Ivanti.

  4. Hello,

    As we are about to move from SCUP-Catalog to SCCM-Catalog what are the ports which need to be opened?
    Source – Destination – Port – Protocol
    We have a proxy as well on the Primary server.
    There was no proxy on the SCUP server


  5. How would you create custom catalogs for products like chrome, power bi and vlc in SCUP? In the stand alone scup you could update a msi or exe and set applicability rules. Is this still possible with the SCUP that is included in the new SCCM build?

    • No that is not possible
      The authoring of updates are not available in integrated experience yet. But it might come not sure though when ? But for you should use stand-alone SCUP for authoring updates.

  6. unable to have a successful sync – following is from the SMS_ISVUPDATES_SYNAGENT.log,

    SyncUpdateCatalog: Unexpected error during synchronization of catalog
    SyncUpdateCatalog: ==================== Exception Detail Start
    SyncUpdateCatalog: Exception type: UnauthorizedAccessException
    SyncUpdateCatalog: Exception HRESULT: -2147024891
    SyncUpdateCatalog: Exception Message: Access to the path ‘D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\ISVTemp\i5zyz3mm.pdg’ is denied.
    SyncUpdateCatalog: Exception source mscorlib
    SyncUpdateCatalog: Exception TargetSite Void WinIOError(Int32, System.String)
    SyncUpdateCatalog: Stack at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)~~ at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path, Object dirSecurityObj, Boolean checkHost)~~ at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ISVUpdatesSyncAgent.TemporaryDirectory.CreateTemporaryDirectory()~~ at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()~~ at System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()~~ at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ISVUpdatesSyncAgent.SyncUpdateCatalog.d__19.MoveNext()~~— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —~~ at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()~~ at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)~~ at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ISVUpdatesSyncAgent.SyncUpdateCatalog.d__15.MoveNext()

      • the solutions was to copy the ISVTEMP folder then rename the original then the new folder to ISVTEMP. so what ever lock there was is not gone.

  7. Hello, Anoop,
    In post small mistake – change please URLs for HP ProLiant Catalogue and HP Enterprise Client Update. URLs are mixed.

  8. Dear Anoop,

    Do you have the most recent Adobe Reader catalogue list?
    I attempted to subscribe to the adove reader catalogues but received the following error.

    SyncUpdateCatalog: **** Warning: Catalog is old format, no content certificates are included and updates will not be deployable until certificates are trusted. ****

  9. Hi Anoop,

    Another small typo is the HP ProLiant Catalogue term is incorrect. ProLiant is an old Compaq Server name that went with Hewlett Packard Enterprise when the company divided. Instead of “HP ProLiant Catalogue” this should simply read as “HP”. Lastly, HP has been slowly moving away from FTP. So, you may want to replace the FTP URL with “”

  10. It appears that HP has abandoned providing a catalog for their Server SKUs – the ones listed are all for their Client SKUs. Not sure why as people still are managing HP Proliant servers with MECM (SCCM) so it seems like a step backwards to remove that support.

  11. 1)kindly explain if we use third parity catalog on SCCM server which consist of WSUS/SUP no PKI still certificate is required on SCCM server, any configuration in IIS, clients require certificate
    2) Adobe reader DC update/patches will be available as free not Adobe Acrobat Pro?

  12. @pratik chavan

    Did you resolve this issue? We had the Adobe catalogs working in SCCM for the last two years and then had to migrate to newer hardware about a month ago. We setup the catalogs again and are receiving the same error you mentioned about 18 months ago.

    SyncUpdateCatalog: **** Warning: Catalog is old format, no content certificates are included and updates will not be deployable until certificates are trusted. ****

    If you resolved it, what was the fix?


  13. Same issue as the people above.. SyncUpdateCatalog: **** Warning: Catalog is old format, no content certificates are included and updates will not be deployable until certificates are trusted. ****

    All certs are unblocked. This stopped working 2 months ago and Adobe are not assisting in any way.


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