Total Number of SCCM Managed Non-Cloud Connected Windows Devices

Let’s understand the total Number of SCCM Managed non-cloud connected Windows devices. These numbers are without an Intune (aka cloud) connection using Cloud Attach (aka Tenant Attach). With these details, we could understand the impact of SCCM (aka ConfigMgr).

Microsoft CVP Steve mentioned in the WPNinja Summit 2023 keynote presentation, “We love ConfigMgr; it’s not going anywhere; there are more people coding on it than ever.” Hence, SCCM (latest version SCCM 2309) is still going very well even though Cloud (Intune) migration is the strategic approach for most organizations in the long run.

Many people are interested in the topic “Is SCCM dying?” Microsoft has not mentioned plans to retire the SCCM (aka ConfigMgr) on-prem device management solution. On the other hand, millions of enterprise Windows devices are managed by SCCM.

The main topic here is the organizations that still use SCCM. It’s for your organization to decide whether to KILL their on-prem SCCM servers. No one else is going to say out loud whether SCCM is going to die soon or not. But as an SCCM admin, you must start learning Microsoft Intune ( refer to 12 hours of free Intune Training).

Patch My PC

WUfB Winner – Majority of Windows Managed Devices are using WUfB

Ramya (MS Intune Engineering Director) mentioned in the WPNinja Summit 2023 – Keynote interview that Intune Drivers and Firmware updates have the fastest adoption.

Microsoft Intune Engineering director also confirmed that most Windows Managed devices use Windows Update for Business (WUfB) policies. Previously, most Windows Managed devices used WSUS, but the winner is WUfB now.

Differences WSUS Vs. WUfB Patching Methods

Total Number of SCCM Managed Windows Devices | Not Cloud Connected Fig.1
Total Number of SCCM Managed Non-Cloud Connected Windows Devices Fig.1

Total Number of SCCM Managed Not Cloud Connected Windows Devices

Microsoft is still investing a lot of development efforts in SCCM. The latest version of SCCM 2309 has also a lot of features included.

Steve said in the WPNinja Summit 2023 – Keynote interview: “Number of devices that are managed only by ConfigMgr not connected to the cloud. We ask ourselves what it would take to entice those admins to connect to the Cloud.”

He also mentioned in that interview that 86 Million devices were only connected to SCCM and not to the Cloud before June 30, 2023. These are the numbers many admins are interested in knowing. How many devices are there that are not connected to the Intune but are only managed by SCCM?

He was excited to share that the Driver and Firmware management feature helped reduce 10% in the total number of SCCM Managed Non-Cloud Connected devices. So, that means 8.6 million devices are moved to Cloud-connected SCCM after the release of this feature.

Total Number of SCCM Managed Non-Cloud Connected Windows DevicesTimeline
86 MillionBefore June 30th, 2023
77.4 MillionAfter the release of Driver and Firmware management
Total Number of SCCM Managed Non-Cloud Connected Windows Devices – Table 2
Total Number of SCCM Managed Non-Cloud Connected Windows Devices Fig.2
Total Number of SCCM Managed Non-Cloud Connected Windows Devices Fig.2

Video – Future of SCCM?

Let’s discuss the following topic of SCCM! Whether SCCM is dying so soon or a bit later, or is there a longer life ahead for SCCM?

Total Number of SCCM Managed Non-Cloud Connected Windows Devices – Video 1

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Vidya is a computer enthusiast. She is here to share quick tips and tricks with Windows 11 or Windows 10 users. She loves writing on Windows 11 and related technologies. She is also keen to find solutions and write about day-to-day tech problems.

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