Windows 10 Known Issue: News and Interests Button on the Windows Taskbar Might have Blurry Text | 21H1

Microsoft released details about Windows 10 Known Issue: News and Interests Button on the Windows taskbar might have Blurry Text. The known issue with the News and Interest button is impacting the following Windows versions:

Windows 10 version 21H1; Windows 10 version 20H2; Windows 10 version 2004; Windows 10 version 1909. As of this blog post, no fix was available. Microsoft is working on a solution and will provide an update in an upcoming version.

I have seen many organizations trying to Turn Off Windows 10 News and Interests on the Taskbar. The main reason seems to be that this is more of a Windows 10 consumer feature than an enterprise one.

Today, I will explain Windows 10’s Known Issue: The News and Interests button on the Windows Taskbar might have Blurry Text | 21H1.

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Windows 10 Known Issue

The news and interests button in the Windows taskbar might have blurry text on certain display configurations. This issue normally appears after installing KB5001391 or later updates of Windows 10.

The blurry image issue is not present for all display configurations. For example, I couldn’t see this when I used the Surface Book. However, I could see this issue when I used a Lenovo laptop with an external monitor.

Windows 10 Known Issue: News and Interests Button on the Windows taskbar might have Blurry Text | 21H1
Windows 10 Known Issue: News and Interests Button on the Windows taskbar might have Blurry Text | 21H1

How to Turn off News and Interest Features?

Turn Off Windows 10 News And Interests On The Taskbar is a post that will help you understand the options for disabling the news and interests feature from Windows 10 21H1. In the above post, Jitesh explained how to disable this feature using the Intune and Group policy.

Even though this is a useful option for Windows 10 consumers, enterprises might not enable this mainly because of performance optimization requirements. This is mainly applicable to Azure Virtual Desktop scenarios.


As I mentioned in the above section, Microsoft has not released a detailed resolution for this issue. Also, no workaround was provided while writing this post.

Look at Microsoft documentation Windows 10, version 21H1 | Microsoft Docs.

Updated on 22nd June 2021 – The issue is Resolved with KB5003690.

Windows 10 Known Issue: News and Interests Button on the Windows Taskbar Might have Blurry Text | 21H1 1
Windows 10 Known Issue: News and Interests Button on the Windows taskbar might have Blurry Text | 21H1


Turn Off Windows 10 News And Interests On The Taskbar HTMD Blog (

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Anoop C Nair has been Microsoft MVP for 10 consecutive years from 2015 onwards. He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His primary focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career, etc.

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