Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report

Let’s learn how you can check Feature Update Failures Intune Report. The Windows Feature Update Failures Report from Intune console offers visibility into the success or failure of Windows feature updates on managed devices. It generates a comprehensive report that provides detailed information about failed feature updates.

Windows feature updates play a crucial role in keeping the Windows operating system secure and up to date with the latest enhancements and improvements. However, sometimes these feature updates can encounter failures during the installation process, causing inconvenience and potential security risks for organizations.

To effectively manage and address these failures, Microsoft Intune provides a comprehensive reporting feature that allows IT administrators to track and analyze Windows feature update failures across their managed devices.

In order for the feature update report to display data, it is necessary to configure data collection for the Windows feature update reports. To learn more about setting up data collection and utilizing this report to address update failures, refer to the steps for enabling Windows Devices Health Monitoring Profile.

Patch My PC

There are various methods available to troubleshoot update issues using Update compliance data and log analytics with KQL queries. Let me walk you through the process, Update Compliance Queries To Troubleshoot Intune WUfB Patch Deployment.

Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report

The Feature Update Failures operational report offers detailed information about devices targeted by a Windows 10 and later feature updates policy, which have made attempts to install an update.

The report includes devices that may have encountered an Alert, causing the installation of the update to be unsuccessful. Let’s follow the steps below to get a detailed view of the feature update failures Intune report.

  • Sign in to Microsoft Intune Admin Center
  • Select Devices and click on the Monitor.
Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report Fig.1
Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report Fig.1

In the Monitor, under the Software updates section, select Feature update failures. Clicking on the report, you will be showing the lists of profiles configured for offering feature updates. The lists getting appear are mostly configured through Windows Autopatch.

The next step would be to click on the appeared profile, showing the column name “Devices with errors” representing the total count of devices that failed to get the configured profile or didn’t receive an update for some reason.

Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report Fig.2
Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report Fig.2

Here you can see that selecting a profile opens a dedicated view that contains all active Alerts for that profile. You can click on the Alert message hyperlink to get a detailed view of the device.

A banner message will appear here. If you have not enabled Windows health monitoring, select Windows Update scope to get detailed device states and errors. For more details, check how you can enable Windows Devices Health Monitoring Profile.

Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report Fig.3
Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report Fig.3

While viewing the active alerts for the profile, Once you select an Alert Message, it opens a pane that displays more details for that alert. Here you can see the error devices full details showing the Error type, Error description, and Recommendation.

For Example, The Alert message Workplace Joined devices are not supported. Recommend you Register your device to be Azure Active Directory Joined to update this device. If you want to get more details, you can also select the device name to open the Device properties. Key Information in the Report:

  • Device Details: The report includes device-specific details such as device name, operating system version, and unique identifiers, allowing admins to identify which devices experienced feature update failures.
  • Error Type/Descriptions: The report provides insights into the specific reasons behind the failed feature updates. Common reasons can include compatibility issues, insufficient disk space, incompatible drivers, or software conflicts. Understanding the root cause is vital in developing an effective remediation plan.
  • Remediation Suggestions/Recommendation: Intune feature update report may also include recommendations or suggestions for resolving the feature update failures. These suggestions can range from driver updates, disk cleanup, or guidance on resolving compatibility conflicts.
Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report Fig.4
Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report Fig.4

Feature Update Failures Error and Recommendation

The following list identifies Alert Messages and suggested remediation actions:

Alert MessageDescriptionRecommendation
CancelledByUserUser canceled the update.Retry the installation, You will be suggested in Feature Update Failures report.
DamagedMediaThe update file or the hard drive is damaged.Run Chkdsk /F on the device with administrator privileges, then retry the update.
DeploymentConflictDevice is in more than one deployment of the same update type. Only the first deployment assigned is effective.Remove the device from any deployments that shouldn’t apply.
DeviceRegistrationInvalidAzureADDeviceIdThe device isn’t able to register or authenticate properly with Windows Update because of an invalid Azure AD Device ID.Check that the device is joined to the Azure Active Directory tenant making the request.
DeviceRegistrationInvalidGlobalDeviceIdThe device isn’t able to register or authenticate properly with Windows Update because of an invalid Global Device ID.The Microsoft Account Sign-In Assistant (MSA) Service might be disabled, preventing Global Device ID assignment. Check that the MSA Service is running or able to run on the device.
DeviceRegistrationIssueThe device isn’t able to register or authenticate properly with Windows Update.Check that the device registration information is correct and the device can connect.
DeviceRegistrationNoTrustTypeThe device isn’t able to register or authenticate properly with Windows Update because it can’t establish Trust.Check that the device is joined in Azure Active Directory using your account. If the issue persists, the device might need to be unenrolled from Intune first.
DiskFullThe installation couldn’t complete because the Windows partition is full.Free up disk space on the Windows partition. Retry the installation, You will be suggested in Feature Update Failures report.
DownloadCancelledWindows Update couldn’t download the update because the update server stopped the connection.Make sure your network is working and retry the download. If it still fails, check your WSUS server or contact support.
DownloadConnectionIssueWindows Update couldn’t connect to the update server and the update couldn’t download.Make sure your network is working and retry the download. If it still fails, contact support.
DownloadCredentialsIssueWindows Update couldn’t download the file because the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) couldn’t connect to the internet. A proxy server or firewall on your network might require credentials.Retry the download. If it fails again, review your network configuration to make sure that this computer can access the internet. If you need help, contact support.
DownloadIssueThere was an issue downloading the update.Retry the installation, You will be suggested in Feature Update Failures report.
DownloadIssueServiceDisabledThere was a problem with the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). The BITS service or a service it depends on might be disabled.In the Services administration tool, make sure that the Background Intelligent Transfer Service is enabled. If the service isn’t running, try starting it manually. If it won’t start, check the event log for errors.
DownloadTimeoutA timeout occurred while Windows tried to contact the update service or the server containing the update’s payload.Retry the download. If it doesn’t succeed, make sure that the update service and payload servers are running normally and that there are no network connectivity issues.
EndOfServiceDevice is on a version of Windows that has passed its end of service date.Update device to a version that is currently supported.
EndOfServiceApproachingDevice is on a version of Windows that is approaching its end of service date.Update the device to a version that has a longer remaining servicing timeline.
FailureResponseThresholdThe failure response threshold setting was met for a deployment to which the device belongs.Consider pausing the deployment and assessing for issues.
FailureResponseThresholdPauseA deployment to which the device belongs was paused because of its failure response threshold being met.Review devices that encountered issues, You will be suggested in Feature Update Failures report.
FileNotFoundThe downloaded update files can’t be found. The Disk Cleanup utility or a non-Microsoft software cleaning tool might have removed the files during cleanup.Download the update again, and then retry the installation.
IncompatibleThe system doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to install the update.Review the ScanResult.xml file for Block Type=Hard.
IncompatibleArchitectureThis update is for a different CPU architecture.Make sure the target operating system architecture matches the host operating system architecture.
IncompatibleServicingChannelDevice is in a servicing channel that is incompatible with a deployment to which the device belongs.Configure the device’s servicing channel to a retail (Generally Available) update channel.
InstallAccessDeniedInstaller doesn’t have permission to access or replace a file. The installer might have tried to replace a file that an antivirus, antimalware, or a backup program is currently scanning.Retry the installation, You will be suggested in Feature Update Failures report.
InstallCancelledThe installation was canceled.Retry the installation.
InstallFileLockedInstaller couldn’t access a file that is already in use. The installer might have tried to replace a file that an antivirus, antimalware, or backup program is currently scanning.Check the files under the %SystemDrive%$Windows.~bt directory. Retry the installation.
InstallIssueThere was an issue installing the update.Run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth on the device with administrator privileges, then retry the update. If the commands fail, a reinstall of Windows might be required.
InstallIssueRedirectionA known folder that doesn’t support redirection to another drive might have been redirected to another drive.Report this issue to Microsoft if this error is encountered more than a once.
InstallMissingInfoWindows Update doesn’t have information it needs about the update to finish the installation.Another update might have replaced the one you’re trying to install. Check the update, and then try reinstalling it.
InstallOutOfMemoryThe installation couldn’t complete because Windows ran out of memory.Restart Windows, then try the installation again. If it still fails, allocate more memory to the virtual machine, or increase the size of the virtual memory pagefiles.
InstallSetupErrorWindows Setup encountered an error while installing.Check that the BIOS and drivers are up to date. Retry the download.
InstallSystemErrorA system occurred while installing.Check that the BIOS and drivers are up to date. Retry the download.
PolicyConflictThere are client policies (MDM, GP) that conflict with Windows Update settings.Check that the client policies configured on the device don’t conflict with deployment settings.
PolicyConflictDeferralThe Deferral Policy configured on the device is preventing the update from installing.Check that the client policies configured on the device don’t conflict with deployment settings.
PolicyConflictPauseUpdates are paused on the device, preventing the update from installing.Check that the client policies configured on the device don’t conflict with deployment settings.
PostRestartIssueWindows Update couldn’t determine the results of installing the update. The error is usually false and the update probably succeeded.If the update you’re trying to install isn’t available, no action is required. If the update is still available, retry the installation.
RollbackInitiatedA rollback was started on this device, indicating a catastrophic issue occurred during the Windows Setup install process.Run the Setup Diagnostics Tool on the Device. Don’t retry the installation until the impact is understood.
SafeguardHoldUpdate can’t install because of a known Safeguard Hold.View the Deployment Error Code column of the report to see the ID of the safeguard hold. Open the Windows release health dashboard at to view information about the active holds, including known issues with the update.
UnexpectedShutdownThe installation was stopped because a Windows shutdown or restart was in progress.Ensure the device remains on during Windows installation.
VersionMismatchDevice is on a version of Windows that wasn’t intended by Windows Update.Confirm whether the device is on the intended version.
WindowsRepairRequiredThe current version of Windows needs to be repaired before it can be updated.Run the Startup Repair Tool on this device, You will be suggested in Feature Update Failures report.
WUBusyWindows Update can’t do this task because it’s busy.Restart Windows. Retry the installation.
WUComponentMissingWindows Update might be missing a component or the update file might be damaged.Run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth on the device with administrator privileges, and then retry the update. If the commands fail, a reinstall of Windows might be required.
WUDamagedWindows Update or the update file might be damaged.Run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth on the device with administrator privileges, and then retry the update. If the commands fail, a reinstall of Windows might be required.
WUDecryptionIssueWindows Update couldn’t decrypt the encrypted update file because it couldn’t find the proper key.Retry the installation, You will be suggested in Feature Update Failures report.
WUDiskErrorWindows Update encountered an error while reading or writing to the system drive.Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter on the device. Retry the installation.
WUIssueWindows Update couldn’t understand the metadata provided by the update service. This error usually indicates a problem with the update.Contact support, You will be suggested in Feature Update Failures report.
Table 1 – Windows Feature Update Failures Reports – Error Details and Recommendation

By leveraging the reporting capabilities of Intune, IT administrators can streamline update management processes, mitigate risks, and ensure their devices remain up to date with the latest features and security patches.

Intune Patch Management Methods for Windows – Design Decisions

This Video Guide explores the Intune patch management methods for Windows and the design decisions involved in implementing a robust and efficient patch management strategy.

Intune Patch Management Methods for Windows – Design Decisions


About Author – JiteshMicrosoft MVP, has over six years of working experience in the IT Industry. He writes and shares his experiences related to Microsoft device management technologies and IT Infrastructure management. His primary focus is Windows 10/11 Deployment solution with Configuration Manager, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), and Microsoft Intune.

1 thought on “Windows Feature Update Failures Intune Report”

  1. Hello We deployed Feature update profile to 30 systems, and 2 of the machine is not getting the policy, where can i start troubleshooting.



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