New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications

Microsoft has introduced Working Time settings for App Protection Policies in Intune (MAM), providing organizations with new ways to manage app usage and notifications during non-working hours.

These settings allow administrators to limit access to apps like Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Edge on iOS/iPadOS and Android devices. Administrators can enforce policies that block or warn users attempting to use these apps during non-working hours.

The feature also allows for the muting of notifications from the Teams app, helping reduce disruptions and supporting an excellent work-life balance for employees. In this post, you will find everything about the new Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune. These settings allow you to control when work apps can be accessed and when notifications are muted, helping you manage your work-life balance.

You can now easily configure a Quiet Time Policy in the Intune Admin Center. This policy also extends to iPhones and iPads. It ensures that your work apps and notifications are stopped during non-working hours, helping you maintain a healthier work-life balance.

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What are the Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies?


Working Time settings allow IT administrators to enforce policies limiting app access and muting notifications during non-working hours.

Which Apps are Supported by the Working Time Settings?

New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications 1

The feature is currently available for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Edge apps on iOS/iPadOS and Android devices.

How Does the Limit Access Setting Work?

New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications 2

The limit access setting allows admins to block or warn users when they attempt to access the Teams or Edge apps outside of working hours.

New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications

Microsoft’s Service Release 2409 launched a new Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies (APP) feature. This feature provides enhanced control over app usage and notifications by allowing administrators to manage access and mute notifications during non-working hours, offering greater flexibility in ensuring a work-life balance for employees.

Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
Select Apps > App protection policies.
Select Create policy.
Choose either iOS/iPadOS or Android (the platform you want to create the policy)
New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications – Table 1
New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications - Fig.1
New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications – Fig.1

You must provide essential information for your app protection policy on the Basics page of the Microsoft Intune admin center. First, enter a Name that identifies the purpose of this app protection policy. Next, you can add a Description of the policy, which can provide additional details.

New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications - Fig.2
New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications – Fig.2

After entering the necessary information on the Basics page, click Next to proceed to the Apps page. This page allows you to select the apps targeted by the policy. Adding at least one app ensures the policy is applied effectively.

New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications - Fig.3
New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications – Fig.3

Conditional Launch Settings

Conditional launch settings in App Protection Policies (APP) allow organizations to manage application access based on specific conditions, particularly regarding app usage timing. With these settings, administrators can establish rules that dictate how and when end users can access certain apps, such as Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Edge, on iOS/iPadOS and Android devices.

Features of Conditional Launch Settings

Conditional launch settings allow admins to specify non-working hours during which access to designated apps can be limited. This ensures employees are not distracted by work-related applications outside their regular working hours.

Administrators can choose two primary actions when conditions regarding non-working time are met. They are as follows.

Non-working timeSettings
Block AccessThis option completely prevents users from opening the specified apps during non-working hours.
WarnIf this option is selected, users trying to access the apps during non-working hours will see a warning message. This message lets them know they are using the app outside of their scheduled working hours, but they can still choose to proceed if they wish.
New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications – Table 2
New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications - Fig.4
New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications – Fig.4

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Anoop C Nair has been Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for 10 consecutive years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is also a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His primary focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career, etc.

1 thought on “New Working Time Settings for App Protection Policies in Intune Limit Access and Mute Notifications”

  1. If I understand correctly, this deactivates the sound outside working hours? The customer will either have the application blocked or will receive an email notification.
    I understand that even Teams calls will be silent?

    I thought it was interesting, provided that the user isn’t notified by e-mail and that notifications are silent except for incoming calls.

    Many companies work in different time zones…

    It’s a good start, but it’s not perfect.

    Thanks for your blog


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