Windows 10 How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr

Windows 10 How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr. Really a quick note on how to execute application or processes from a System context. Our old friend psexec.exe from PSTools will help us to achieve.

In SCCM, most of the time system accounts are used to connect to the site systems and site servers. At the time of troubleshooting, it’s always better to check whether you’re able to connect to the site servers or site systems from a system account or system context.

Windows 10 How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr

You can download PsTools from here.

SCCM How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr
SCCM How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr

SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr

For example: If you want to run a command prompt from System account then open up a command prompt and type in  “PsExec.exe -ids cmd.exe” (without quotes).  Also, make sure that the cmd.exe is (with PID 5996) is running in SYSTEM context from task manager.

Patch My PC

D:Sources>PsExec.exe -s cmd.exe

PSEXEC System Accunt
SCCM How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr
C:\Users\Anoop\Downloads\PSTools>PsExec.exe -s cmd.exe

PsExec v2.11 - Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.9926]
(c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

nt authority\system

PSEexec can be used for following purposes as well

SCCM How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr?

1. To Connect to the remote server or system with computer account.

2. To Run the scripts on remote computers with system account or administrator account.


3.  To copy the specified program to the remote system for execution.

4.  To execute remote scripts without loading local profile.

5.  To Copy the specified file only if it has a higher version number or is newer on than the one on the remote system.

6. To execute the command on each of the computers listed in the file.

Following are the command line options available with PSExec.exe /?

PsExec executes a program on a remote system, where remotely executed console applications execute interactively.

Usage: psexec [computer[,computer2[,…] | @file]][-u user [-p psswd][-n s][-l][-s|-e][-x][-i [session]][-c [-f|-v]][-w directory][-d][-][-a n,n,…] cmd [arguments]

-a Separate processors on which the application can run with commas where 1 is the lowest numbered CPU. For example, to run the application on CPU 2 and CPU 4, enter: “-a 2,4”

-c Copy the specified program to the remote system for execution. If you omit this option the application must be in the system path on the remote system.

-d Don’t wait for process to terminate (non-interactive).

-e Does not load the specified account’s profile.

-f Copy the specified program even if the file already exists on the remote system. SCCM How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr.

-i Run the program so that it interacts with the desktop of the specified session on the remote system. If no session is specified the process runs in the console session.

-h If the target system is Vista or higher, has the process run with the account’s elevated token, if available.

-l Run process as limited user (strips the Administrators group and allows only privileges assigned to the Users group).On Windows Vista the process runs with Low Integrity.

-n Specifies timeout in seconds connecting to remote computers.

-p Specifies optional password for user name. If you omit this you will be prompted to enter a hidden password.

-s Run the remote process in the System account.

-u Specifies optional user name for login to remote computer. SCCM How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr.

-v Copy the specified file only if it has a higher version number or is newer on than the one on the remote system.

-w Set the working directory of the process (relative to remote computer).

-x Display the UI on the Winlogon secure desktop (local system only).

-priority Specifies -low, -belownormal, -abovenormal, -high or -realtime to run the process at a different priority. Use -background to run at low memory and I/O priority on Vista.

computer Direct PsExec to run the application on the remote computer or computers specified. If you omit the computer name PsExec runs the application on the local system,

and if you specify a wildcard (*), PsExec runs the command on all computers in the current domain.

@file PsExec will execute the command on each of the computers listed in the file.

program Name of application to execute. arguments Arguments to pass (note that file paths must be absolute paths on the target system).

You can enclose applications that have spaces in their name with quotation marks e.g. psexec marklap “c:long name app.exe”. Input is only passed to the remote system when you press the enter key, and typing Ctrl-C terminates the remote process.

If you omit a user name the process will run in the context of your account on the remote system, but will not have access to network resources (because it is impersonating). SCCM How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr.

Specify a valid user name in the DomainUser syntax if the remote process requires access to network resources or to run in a different account. Note that the password is transmitted in clear text to the remote system.

Error codes returned by PsExec are specific to the applications you execute, not PsExec. SCCM How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr?


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2 thoughts on “Windows 10 How to Run Application or Process from SYSTEM Context or Account ConfigMgr”

  1. Hello Anoop,

    Anup here again 🙂

    I am need to launch a html file or a web address with the logged on user.
    This should be done in the system context(using Psexec).

    I give this html link in the psexec cmd line, it launches iexplorer as a “system” user. I dont want this. I want the explorer to launch in with current logged on user.

    If I use “runas” cmd it prompts for a password. This is again a glitch. How can i bypass this pwd or is there any way to “launch a process in system context cmd as a logged in user”?

    Any help is much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance



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