File App Experience in Microsoft Teams

Let’s learn about File App Experience in Microsoft Teams. File App is one of the important features introduced by Microsoft Teams in the May Update. This feature enables users to share and receive Files in Microsoft Teams easily.

Sharing Files in Meetings is necessary for users for easy communication. File App is the best option for users to share files, documents, etc., in Microsoft Teams. This post lets you know all about File App in Microsoft Teams.

File App in Microsoft Teams allows you to access all the files quickly. In File App allows you to access, discover and easily download documents and files in Chat, Meetings and Channels. OneDrive now powers this File App experience in Teams.

The OneDrive in Teams gives consistency and familiarity with how files are stored, shared, and accessed across Microsoft 365. The File App experience will also be available quickly on the Microsoft Teams Website, and you can easily access all its features.

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What are the Features of File App in Microsoft Teams?

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is now more powerful with this File App experience. It helps users share files easily, and it enhances collaborations. The following are the features of File App in Microsoft Teams.

1. It helps you to Share files and documents in Teams chat easily
2. Easy to download shared files
3. It enhances collaboration quickly
4. It helps to add cloud storage
5. It allows to share files on Meetings and channels


File App Experience in Microsoft Teams

File App experience in Microsoft Teams eases your daily life by quickly accessing and discovering different file types within Teams. You can easily find File App in the Microsoft Teams App. The screenshot below shows how to select the Microsoft Teams App.

  • Select Microsoft Teams from the Start Menu
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.1
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.1

After that, you can see the File App in the left Sidebar of Teams App. This file App is an incredible feature in Microsoft Teams. It helps you to enhance your sharing experience in Teams. The list below shows the features of the File App in Teams.

  1. Home
  2. My Files
  3. Shared
  4. Favorites

1. Home

The Home feature in the File App in Teams shows recent files on the Teams. Each file in the Teams app is shown by its Name, Opened date, Owner, and Activity. It also shows Files such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF in File App. The screenshot below shows the Home feature in File App in Teams.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.2
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.2

New and Upload option in Home

The New option in the File app allows you to create different types of files within the Teams App. It includes Word document, Excel Workbook, PowerPoint presentation, OneNote notebook, Forms for Excel and Visio drawing.

The Upload option in the File App helps you upload different Files and Folders to the File app in Teams. It helps you to access any file and folder in Teams easily. The screenshot below will help you to show the new and upload options in the Home tab.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.3
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.3

How to Create a Document in File App in Teams

File App in Teams allows you to create a Document very easily. Here, I select Word document for creating the document. For this, select a Home feature from the file app and select the New option from the top of the window. Then select the Word document from the New option. The below screenshot will guide you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.4
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.4

A new window will appear after selecting the Word document option from the New option. In this window, you can add a new name (Web Designing) for your document. Then click the Create option from the below window. Your document will be created and shown on the My File feature of the App.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.5
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.5

How to Upload a File in the File App in Teams

File App helps you Upload files and folders easily to your Teams App. For this, select the Uploads option from the Home feature of the File App. Then click the Files option from Uploads. The below screenshot will help you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.6
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.6

After that, your File Explorer will open, and you can easily select any file from this. Here I select a file from my OneDrive and click on the Open option from the below window. The below screenshot shows how to select a file from File Explorer.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.7
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.7

2. My Files

The My Files feature in the File App shows all the files shared in the Teams app. Any type of file that can be shared in the file app will be shown in the My File Feature. You can easily create, upload, and Sync files in File App. It also allows you to open a file from OneDrive. The below screenshot shows My Files in File App.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.8
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.8

There are some options are provided in the My Files feature of the File app in Teams. The screenshot below shows the New and Upload option in My Files. The Upload option helps you to add files, folders and templates in My Files. The table below shows the New option in My Files.

New option FeaturesUsed to
FolderIt helps to create a folder
Word DocumentIt is used to create Word Document
Excel WorkbookIt allows to Excel Workbook
PowerPoint PresentationIt helps with PowerPoint Presentation
OneNote notebookIt allows to creation OneNote notebook
Forms for ExcelIt helps to create forms for Excel
Visio DrawingIt used to create Visio Drawing
LinkIt helps to create a Link
Edit New menuIt helps to Edit New menu
Add templateIt helps to add a template
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – Table.1
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.9
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.9

Sort and View Option in My Files

The Sort option in the My Files feature shows different options to change the files in My Files. You can easily change the options in Sort many ways. The table below shows options in Sort.

Sort OptionUsed to
TypeIt helps to show files in type format
NameIt helps to show files in name format
ModifiedIt is used to show in Modified date
Modified byIt is used to show in Modified by
File SizeIt shows the file size
AscendingIt is shown in ascending order
DescendingIt is shown in descending order
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – Table.2

The View Option allows you to switch the File App’s My Files Feature View option. There are different types of formats available for the View option. They are List, Compact List, and Tiles. By default, the View option is in List format. The view option also allows users to add or remove fields in My Files. The screenshot below shows Sort and Switch in My Files.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.10
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.10

3. Shared

The Shared feature in the File App helps you to show all the Shared Files in Teams. The shared feature has 2 categories: Shared with you and Shared by you. It shows all Shared files with its name, date shared, Shared by and activity. The below list shows the Shared feature in the File App.

  • A. Shared With You
  • B. Shared By You

A. Shared With You

The Shared With You option in the Shared feature shows all the files Shared with you in Teams. All the shared files are shown with its name, dates shared, Shared by and Activity. The screenshot below shows the Shared With You option in the Shared feature.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.11
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.11

B. Shared By You

Shared By You shows all the Files shared by you in Microsoft Teams. It also shows the Name of the files and the Modified person’s name. The screenshot below shows the Shared By You option in the Shared feature.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.12
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.12

4. Favorites

Favorites feature shows all your favorites files in Microsoft Teams. Any file in the File app can be added to your Favorites. You can easily see the Favorites files from the File App Menu of Teams. You can easily add a file to favorites by selecting a file from Home or My Files and clicking on the star symbol. The below screenshot will help you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.13
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.13


The Downloads section in the File app helps you to show all your downloaded files in Microsoft Teams. This file is shown by its name, downloaded date and current status. You can easily add, remove and share any files in Downloads. The below screenshot will guide you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.14
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.14

How to Add Cloud Storage

File App in Microsoft Teams allows you to add cloud storage in the Teams. It helps you to access any file in your Cloud Storage quickly. For this, select File App from Teams and click on the add Cloud Storage option from the below window. The below screenshot will guide you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.15
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.15

After that, a new window will appear, showing different cloud storage providers you would like to use in Teams. It includes Dropbox, Box, Egnyte, and Google Drive. Here I select Google Drive cloud storage. The below screenshot will guide you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.16
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.16

Then, another window will appear for sign-in with Google. Here you should enter your phone number or Email for sign-in. Here, I choose Email and click on the Next button. After that, I entered the password and clicked the Next button. The screenshot below will help you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.17
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.17

After that, a new window showing Microsoft apps & services that want to access your Google Account will appear. Click on the Allow button to give access to Google Drive and other Microsoft Apps and services. The below screenshot will guide you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.18
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.18

In the below window, you can see the Google Drive added to your Cloud Storage in the File App. It also shows all the files on your Google Drive. The screenshot below shows files on Google Drive in the File App.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.19
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.19

File Sharing In Teams Meeting

You can easily share any files in Teams Meeting, which helps you collaborate easily with others. All the Meeting Participants can view the Shared File. The below screenshot shows File Sharing in Teams Meeting.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.20
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.20

Shared File in Teams Chat

Microsoft Teams File app allows users to view the Shared file easily through Teams Chat. The file app is synced everywhere, and you can see all the shared files in the Files section of Teams Chat. For this, select your Meeting Chat in Teams and click on the Files option from the top of the window. The below screenshot will help you.

File App Experience in Microsoft Teams - fig.21
File App Experience in Microsoft Teams – fig.21


Gopika S Nair is a computer enthusiast. She loves writing on Windows 11 and related technologies. She is here to share quick tips and tricks with Windows 11 or Windows 10 users.

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