Now Azure Machines can be Managed using SCCM ConfigMgr

Now Azure Machines can be Managed using SCCM ConfigMgr Endpoint Manager. This is interesting stuff; now Microsoft Azure Virtual machines (windows and Linux) can be managed through on-premises ConfigMgr SCCM

The Endpoint Protection 2012 SP1 can be used for Azure VMS. Microsoft has released a KB article on the support scenarios. Read more from here (kb/2889321).

This post will teach you how to manage Azure virtual machines using SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) or ConfigMgr.

We will walk you through the steps to get your Azure machines under control with these tools, making it easier to manage and oversee your virtual environment.

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Now Azure Machines can be Managed using SCCM ConfigMgr

1. Use an existing on-premises Configuration Manager infrastructure to manage Windows Azure Virtual Machines running Windows Server or Linux through a secure site-to-site connection.


2. Set up a single stand-alone primary site in the Windows Azure Virtual Machines environment to manage Windows Azure Virtual Machines running Windows Server or Linux in the same virtual network. Now Azure Machines can be Managed using SCCM ConfigMgr Endpoint Manager.

Now Azure Machines can be Managed using SCCM ConfigMgr - Fig.1
Now Azure Machines can be Managed using SCCM ConfigMgr – Fig.1

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Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP from 2015 onwards for consecutive 10 years! He is a Workplace Solution Architect with more than 22+ years of experience in Workplace technologies. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM and Intune. He writes about technologies like Intune, SCCM, Windows, Cloud PC, Windows, Entra, Microsoft Security, Career etc…

6 thoughts on “Now Azure Machines can be Managed using SCCM ConfigMgr”

  1. Hello Anoop,
    Wanted to check if this scenario is supported? If yes, is there some additional configuration required for this.
    — CAS on Azure.
    — 3-4 Primary sites on premises(in customer datacenter) in different regions.
    — Clients report to these Primaries.

    Any suggestion would be valuable. Many Thanks.

    — Ravi

    • Hi Ravi ! – This is interesting. Why do you need CAS on Azure? Any specific reason. I’m not sure whether this is supported scenario or not. However, what I can tell you is worth checking the Firewall ports which you need to open between on premises servers and clients with CAS server in Azure. Would Microsoft be able to open SQL and other required ports?

      Please let us know !


      • Hey Anoop,

        Honestly not very sure why my client wants to put the top site in Azure??? 😛
        As far as I know, we can define the port configurations. We can decide which ports needs to be opened. But will definitely double check on that…!!

        Many thanks.

  2. Hi Anoop.

    As Multi-casting and PXE is not supported in AZURE. So, is it possible that we can create a SCCM Primary server in Azure Env. to patch Azure VM. Because what i think the setup may stuck in SCCM Pre-request check.



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