Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM

Hello Everyone; today we will learn about Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM using the Application Model. In this guide, we will make use of the EXE application. We will show you a detailed step-by-step guide for Citrix Deployment using the Application Model.

Citrix Workspace App is the one that provides access to VDI infrastructure or Virtual Desktops or Virtual Apps.   Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops are used to publish VMs from a hypervisor to remote clients. Every user gets a unique OS and desktop by publishing a virtual machine.

Citrix didn’t have any MSI installer for the Citrix Workspace app. The only available installer is an EXE. However, SCCM or Intune can help you to deploy this app on a scale. Citrix also provides ADMX and ADML to deploy the Citrix Workspace App. Logon script and GPO are other options to install and upgrade the Workspace app.

You can download the Citrix Receiver Workspace App from Citrix. One must download the offline windows setup for 64bit architecture from the Citrix website. You must use this EXE application guide using SCCM for all the other deployments.

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Pre-requisites – Deploy EXE Application using SCCM

We have not seen any Citrix MSI Application, so we need to use EXE Application to deploy and install the Citrix Workspace Application. Now, before we proceed further, we must have these three things in advance, especially when we have a .exe setup:

  • Installation Command/Uninstallation Command
  • Detection Method
  • Application Icon

With the help of the internet, one can find an Install command for any application. In our case, we have to search the install command for the Citrix Workspace Application. After searching, the install command for the Citrix workspace Application is CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /silent.

After you successfully installed Citrix using the install command in your test environment. Now you have to try the Uninstall command. Here Unistall command is CitrixWorkspaceApp /uninstall /silent.

For Detection logic, we are using the File System setting type here. In File System, we will choose and pick any file from the folder where Citrix gets installed in the directory. Here the path is:

  • %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\ICA Client\Receiver
  • Select the Receiver.exe file from this path and check the version details.
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM

Create Citrix Workspace Application using SCCM Console

In this EXE application deployment guide, we will use the SCCM admin console to create applications. However, there are PowerShell methods also available to create and deploy applications. You can refer to the following guide to get more details.

To start with the Application creation part, copy the downloaded Citrix Workspace App .exe setup to the package source location of the SCCM Server.

  • Navigate to SCCM Console \Software Library\Overview\Application Management\Applications.
  • Right-click on Applications and select Create Application.
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 1
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 1

For all EXE application deployment, always Select the Manually Specify the Application Information option and click Next.

Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 2
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 2

In the General Information Tab, you need to provide the metadata information of the SCCM Citrix Workspace application. You need to enter the details like :

  • Name, Publisher, and Software Version.
  • And Click on Next.
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 3
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 3

Then in the Software Center Tab, Enter the Application Name and upload the Icon by clicking on Browse. Then Click on Next as highlighted in the image.

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Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 4

The Deployment tab is the place where you need to specify the Citrix Workspace App installation command lines and detection methods, etc. This is a mandatory step for all SCCM EXE Application Deployments.

  • In the Deployment Types Tab, Click on Add.
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 5
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 5

Now the Deployment Type Wizard will pop up, and in General Tab, select Manually Specify the Deployment type information and click on Next.

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Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 6

Citrix Receiver Workspace App Install or Uninstall Command Lines

After this, the General Information Tab appears, in which you just have to enter the application’s name and click on Next. Now in Content Tab, enter the important details mentioned below and click Next.

  • Content-Location (Browse for the UNC path where your setup is kept)
  • Installation Program
    • CitrixWorkspaceApp /silent
  • Uninstall Program
    • CitrixWorkspaceApp /uninstall /silent
Install Command Line for CitrixUninstall Command Line for Citrix
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /silentCitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /uninstall /silent
Citrix Deployment Using SCCM Table 1
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 7
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 7

Detection Method for Citrix Workspace App

Now in the Detection Method Tab, click on Add Clause, and a new Detection Rule page will pop up. Fill all the details very carefully as mentioned below:

  • Select File System in the Setting Type.
  • Select File in the Type box.
  • Copy the path in the Path box
    • %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\ICA Client\Receiver
    • Look for the file called “Receiver.exe
    • Check for the Product version =
  • Enter Receiver in the File or folder name.

The following table provides clearer options for a detection method for an exe (CitrixWorkspaceApp .EXE) file. The Receiver.exe file version is important to get the SCCM supersedence working.

Setting TypePath/HiveFile Name/KeyPropertyOperatorValue
File System%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Citrix\ICA Client\ReceiveReceiver.exeVersionGreater than22.7.0.13
Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment using SCCM – Table 2
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 8
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 8

Now in the User Experience Tab, specify Install for the system in Installation behavior; in the Logon requirement, choose Whether or not a user is logged on and Set Installation Program Visibility to Normal. Also, provide the Maximum allowed run time and Estimated installation time as shown below and click on Next.

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Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 9

Click on Next in the Requirement, Dependencies, and Summary Tab. After this, in the end, Click on Close in the Completion Tab as shown below.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 10 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 10 Citrix Receiver

Then back in the Create Application Wizard, click Next in Deployment Tab.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 11 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 11 Citrix Receiver

After this, click Next on the Summary Tab and end this Create Application Wizard by clicking on Close in Completion Tab.

Distribute Citrix Workspace Application to the SCCM DP

After creating the SCCM Application for Citrix Receiver (Workspace App), it will appear in the Application Node. To begin with, the distribution right-clicks on the Citrix Workspace Application and clicks on Distribute Content, as shown in the picture below.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 12 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 12 Citrix Receiver

The Distribute Content Wizard will open, and click Next in the General Tab. Then select the Application Name in the Content Tab and Click on Next.

  • After this, in the Content Destination Tab, Click on Add and select the Distribution Point option.
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 13 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 13 Citrix Receiver

Then Add Distribution Point page will pop up, and choose the Distribution Point on which you want to distribute the Application.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 14 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 14 Citrix Receiver

After this, Click Next on Summary Tab and complete this Distribution process by clicking Close on Completion Tab.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 16 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 16 Citrix Receiver

Deployment of Citrix Workspace App using SCCM

So far, we have accomplished two tasks, i.e., Application Creation and Application Distribution to the DP. Now all that is left is the Deployment of the Citrix Workspace Application on the All Windows 10 Device Collection.

  • As you can see, your Application is displaying in Application Node, Right-click on Citrix Workspace Application and select Deploy.
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 17 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 17 Citrix Receiver

After this, Deploy Software Wizard opens, and in the General Tab, enter the Name of the Application and click on Browse to select the Collection.

  • Now the Select Collection page will pop up; and choose Device Collection from the drop-down menu, and then
  • Select your targeted Device Collection and click on OK, and then Next.
  • Here I choose All Windows 11 Devices.
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 18 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 18 Citrix Receiver

Now in the Content Tab, select the Distribution Point on which the Application is distributed and click on Next.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 19 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 19 Citrix Receiver

Now in the Deployment Settings Tab, select:

  • Install in the Action box
  • And choose Available in the Purpose category.
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 20 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 20 Citrix Receiver

In the Scheduling Tab, enter the time details if you want it to be available at a specific time; otherwise, leave it as it is and click Next. After this, in the User Experience Tab,

  • Select Display in Software Center and shows all notification options in the User notifications, and click on Next as shown below.
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 21 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 21 Citrix Receiver

In the Alerts and Summary Tab, click on Next and to end the process, click on Close in the Completion Tab.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 22 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 22 Citrix Receiver

Windows 11 Client Machine

In this section, we will check the end-user experience for Citrix Workspace Application Deployment and Installation. The Citrix Application is Created, Distributed, and Deployed.

Now, if you check the Software Center of Win 11 device from the ALL Windows 11 Device Collection, you will see the application there in Available Mode, and the user can install it as per the requirement.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 23 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 23 Citrix Receiver

As you can see in the below screenshot, the Citrix application is installed successfully on Windows 10/11 devices. This proves that the above silent install and uninstall command and detection logic works fine for Citrix Workspace Application Installation using SCCM.

Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 24 Citrix Receiver
Citrix Workspace App Deployment using SCCM 24 Citrix Receiver

So here we have finally created, Distributed, and Deployed the Citrix Workspace Application as it is available in the Software Center as shown in the above image.

Error 0X87D00324 with Citrix Receiver Workspace App Installation

Citrix Receiver app or Workspace app needs a restart to complete the installation; hence there could be chances that you might get the following retry error 0x87D00324(-2016410844) in the Software Center application.

Also, in the SCCM Admin console – You will get the following \Assets and Compliance\Overview\Devices\”Error-0X87D00324” status devices from deploying “Citrix Workspace App” to “All Windows 11 Devices” error.

NOTE! – Error-0X87D00324 – The application was not detected after the installation was completed. Source: System Center Configuration Manager

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Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment Using SCCM 25

The detection method failed because the status is returned as Failed in this scenario. You can check AppDiscovery.log (SCCM Logs for applications). More details on SCCM app troubleshooting – Deep Dive SCCM Application Model Troubleshooting – Client End.

Did not detect app deployment type Citrix Workspace App(ScopeId_1074285A-82C7-474F-B242-1EE20F8C3CE5/DeploymentType_64cf036a-89a0-4899-b9e5-2e8d29d16b0a, revision 2

AppEnforce.log gives you more details on exit code 4008. You can configure a custom exit code (4008) that shows the Citrix Workspace app. An unmatched exit code (40008) is considered an execution failure error message is a bit confusing if you check the meaning of the exit code meaning of 4008.

  • 40008 means, “This version of Citrix Workspace app has already been installed. Nothing to do.”
Process 4316 terminated with exitcode: 40008
Looking for exit code 40008 in exit codes table...
Unmatched exit code (40008) is considered an execution failure.
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Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment Using SCCM 27

The solution is to restart the Windows 11 PC and, after the restart, the correct status of the Citrix Receiver or Workspace application installation. Or you must use a custom exit/return code (4008) for successful deployment for the SCCM Citrix receiver or Workspace App.

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Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment Using SCCM 28

I have restarted the Windows 11 devices, and I have also added the custom return or exit code for Citrix Receiver or Workspace app, as explained above. This helped to resolve or fix the Citrix Workspace app deployment errors using SCCM. Following are the detection logic details from AppDiscovery.log.

Performing detection of app deployment type Citrix Workspace App(ScopeId_1074285A-82C7-474F-B242-1EE20F8C3CE5/DeploymentType_64cf036a-89a0-4899-b9e5-2e8d29d16b0a, revision 3
Detected app deployment type Citrix Workspace App(ScopeId_1074285A-82C7-474F-B242-1EE20F8C3CE5/DeploymentType_64cf036a-89a0-4899-b9e5-2e8d29d16b0a, revision 3) for system
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Citrix Receiver Workspace App Deployment Using SCCM 26

Additional Tips

There are some additional tips from the Twitter community on Citrix Workspace Application. The @VisloDK user suggested that “Edge webview should be added as a dependency otherwise it will fail in TS or if components are missing on the machine.”

“We use a script with a get-package command if statement. Works better” as per William @DigitalSamurai_.


Abhinav Rana is working as an SCCM Admin. He loves to help the community by sharing his knowledge. He is a BTech graduate in Information Technology.

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