Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11

Let’s learn how to Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11. When you put your computer to sleep, a device can automatically wake it if it is currently configured (allowed) to wake the system from a sleep state.

Important wake timers like Windows update or any essential reboot can supersede all other settings. When selecting sleep as an option or simply letting the PC go to sleep independently, it will display a black screen and immediately show the login screen.

By changing the wake timers, you can prevent any program from waking your computer up automatically or allow major Windows computer events only. When your computer still wakes up more often than you want, you can always set the wake timers to Disabled.

Using the powercfg.exe to control power plans (also called power schemes), use the available states, control the power states of individual devices, and analyze the system for common energy efficiency and battery-life problems.

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Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 1
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 1

How to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11

Microsoft provides settings that users can modify according to their choice. You can also modify the Devices to Wake Computers. You can enable or disable Devices to Wake Computers as per your requirement. The methods to change the settings are listed below.

NOTE! The user must be signed in as an Administrator to enable or disable devices to wake computers.

  • Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers Using Device Manager
  • Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers Using Powercfg Commands

Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers Using Device Manager

You can use the Device Manager to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11. Type Device Manager in the Search Box on the taskbar, then select the appropriate option. Launch the command prompt, press Win Key + R, type devmgmt.msc in the Run dialogue box, and press Enter.

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 2
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 2

The Device Manager window is open now. Scroll down to find the Network Adapters option and expand it. After expanding, choose the Ethernet Connection option and double-click on it to enter its properties window.

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 3
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 3

When the ethernet connection properties window opens, tap on the Power Management tab to option its options. Now check the Allow this device to wake the computer option to enable it or uncheck the Allow this device to wake the computer to disable and then press OK to continue. Now, you can close the Device Manager.

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 4
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 4

Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers Using Powercfg Commands

To get a list of all programmable devices to wake computers in Windows 11, you can use the Command Prompt or the PowerShell with Administrative privilege to get the list, if any. Let’s check for the list using the Elevated Command Prompt and follow the steps.

Open the Elevated Command Prompt, press Win Key + R simultaneously to open the run dialogue box, and follow the below steps. The Run window said to type the name of a program, folder, document, or internet resource, and Windows will open it for you.

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 5
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 5

The next window appears as User Account Control, which asks, “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?” For Windows Command Processor, press YES to continue. This window is an administrative approval to perform some tasks.

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 6
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 6

Enable Devices to Wake Computers Using Powercfg Commands

The Elevated Command Prompt window opens, and you can run some administrative commands. This window is represented as “Administrator: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe“. Now, type the following command and then press Enter to get the list of all devices that wake computers in Windows 11.

powercfg -devicequery wake_programmable

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 7
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 7

Using the above command, you can find the list of programmable devices that can be used to wake computers in Windows 11. Now copy the device name that you want to enable devices to wake computers. Execute the following command to enable the devices.

powercfg -deviceenablewake “Device name”

NOTE! Replace the “Device Name” with the device you want to enable, for example (powercfg -deviceenablewake “Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-LM”)

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 8
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 8

Disable Devices to Wake Computers Using Powercfg Commands

The Elevated Command Prompt is represented as “Administrator: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe“. Now, type the following command and then press Enter to get the list of all devices that used to wake computers in Windows 11.

powercfg -devicequery wake_armed

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 9
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 9

Using the above command, you can find the list of devices that can be used to wake computers in Windows 11. Now copy the device name that you want to disable devices to wake computers. Execute the following command to enable the devices.

powercfg -devicedisablewake “Device name”

NOTE! Replace the “Device Name” with the device you want to enable, for example (powercfg -devicedisablewake “Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (11) I219-LM”)

Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 - Fig. 10
Manage to Enable Disable Devices to Wake Computers in Windows 11 – Fig. 10

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Alok is a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) graduate. He loves writing on Windows 11 and related technologies. He likes to share his knowledge, quick tips, and tricks with Windows 11 or Windows 10 with the community.

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