Ability to View BitLocker Recovery Key from Intune Company Portal Website Coming Soon

Microsoft Intune BitLocker end user key retrieval from Company portal will be upcoming to you. As an end user, you can view the BitLocker recovery key for devices you own using the Company Portal website.

With reduced support costs, Microsoft enables IT admins to securely support users in this new hybrid world. So they can securely perform remote tasks to retrieve the Bitlocker Recovery Key. The users will soon be able to view the Bitlocker recovery key for owned and managed devices while browsing to company portal.

BitLocker likely ensured that a recovery key was safely backed up prior to activating protection. There are several places that your recovery key may be, depending on the choice that was made when activating BitLocker:

If your device was ever signed into an organization using a work or school email account, your recovery key may be stored in that organization’s Microsoft Entra ID account. You may be able to access it directly or need to contact that organisation’s IT support to access your recovery key.

Patch My PC

You can recover the key depending on how you saved the BitLocker recovery key. If you have a Windows 10 or 11 device, you can retrieve the BitLocker Recovery Key from your Microsoft account, BitLocker Recovery Key Management From Microsoft Intune.

Microsoft Intune Support BitLocker Recovery Key Retrieval from Company Portal Website – Roadmap

Microsoft added the addition of Bitlocker end user key retrieval to the roadmap in July 2023, this feature is expected in the General Availability and based on the mentioned date GA: October 2023.

FeatureRelease phaseGA Expected (Year)
Microsoft Intune: Bitlocker end user key retrievalGeneral AvailabilityOctober 2023
Table 1 – Microsoft Intune: Bitlocker end user key retrieval from Intune Company Portal Website
Ability to View Bitlocker Recovery Key from Intune Company Portal Website Coming Soon Fig.1
Microsoft Intune: Bitlocker end user key retrieval Coming Soon Fig.1

BitLocker recovery key is required to help ensure that only an authorized person can unlock your Windows PC and restore access to your encrypted data. How can we get my BitLocker recovery key? The BitLocker recovery depends on how Windows PC is set up; there are different ways to get your recovery key.

Access BitLocker Recovery Key from Intune Admin Center

To manage Recovery key in Intune, your account must have RBAC Roles For the BitLocker Recovery Key Reader In Azure AD role. Here’s how you can follow the steps to check the Key from Intune.

  • Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center https://intune.microsoft.com/.
  • Choose Devices > All devices or select by Platform, Windows and select the device from the list.
  • Select Recovery Keys in the Monitor section to view the BitLocker recovery passwords. Clicking on Show Recovery Key. If multiple entries exist, use the BITLOCKER KEY ID to select the correct BITLOCKER RECOVERY KEY.
Ability to View Bitlocker Recovery Key Fig.2
Ability to View Bitlocker Recovery Key Fig.2


About Author – JiteshMicrosoft MVP, has over six years of working experience in the IT Industry. He writes and shares his experiences related to Microsoft device management technologies and IT Infrastructure management. His primary focus is Windows 10/11 Deployment solution with Configuration Manager, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), and Microsoft Intune.

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