Learn How to Publish AVD Remote Apps with PowerShell

I hope you already have an AVD infrastructure setup. You can have more details from Create AVD Tenant and AVD Infra.

In this post, you will learn how to publish remote apps with PowerShell command lets (Publish AVD Remote Apps).

Before publishing the remote apps to the host pool, I recommend reading the following posts.

Prerequisite – Publish AVD Remote Apps

I recommend going through the following list of prerequisites before publishing AVD remote apps.

Patch My PC
  • Build an AVD Host Pool with a virtual machine
  • Install the Required application on that virtual machine

NOTE! – Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) has the restriction that within a host pool, a user cannot be assigned to both a desktop app group and a RemoteApp app group.

Install Azure AD, RD PowerShell Module

##Install & Import AzureAD Module
Install-Module -Name AzureAD
Import-Module -Name AzureAD
##Install & Import RD - AVD Module
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowerShell
Import-Module -Name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowerShell

Login to RD Account – Authenticate with Azure AD

## Login with Azure AD Account user name and password  
Add-RdsAccount -DeploymentUrl https://rdbroker.wvd.microsoft.com

#Login to RDS account with Service Principle
$aadContext = Connect-AzureAD
$svcPrincipal = New-AzureADApplication -AvailableToOtherTenants $true -DisplayName "Windows Virtual Desktop Svc Principal"
$svcPrincipalCreds = New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId $svcPrincipal.ObjectId
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($svcPrincipal.AppId, (ConvertTo-SecureString $svcPrincipalCreds.Value -AsPlainText -Force))

Add-RdsAccount -DeploymentUrl "https://rdbroker.wvd.microsoft.com" -Credential $creds -ServicePrincipal -AadTenantId $aadContext.TenantId.Guid 
Publish AVD Remote Apps - Login to WVD Tenant
Login – Publish AVD Remote Apps 1

Set Variables – AVD Remote Apps

#Set the Variable
$hostpoolname ='WVD-A-MS-Apps'#$hostpoolname ='WVD-A-MS-Apps'
$UserPrincipalName='[email protected]'
$NameofappGroup1='LOB Apps'

List AVD Remote App Groups

#Get the details of AVD Remote App Groups
Get-RdsAppGroup -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname
List of Remote apps - Publish AVD Remote Apps
List of WVD RemoteApp Groups – Publish AVD Remote Apps 2

List of Remote Apps Published to RemoteApp Group

##List of Remote App Group
Get-RdsAppGroup -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup2

##List of Users associated to Remote App Group
Get-RdsAppGroupUser -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup2

NOTE – You might not have access to run this query if you are login to RDS using SPN. Instead, you might need to have appropriate access to Azure AD to list the users in the Azure AD Group.

List of WVD RemoteApps  - Publish WVD Remote Apps
List of WVD RemoteApps – Publish WVD Remote Apps 3

List of Apps Installed on AVD VM

#Get the details the List of AVD Remote Apps from Virtual Machine 
Get-RdsStartMenuApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 Where-Object{$_.friendlyName -like "word"}

Get-RdsStartMenuApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 >> "C:\Users\Anoop C Nair\OneDrive - ACN\DW\WVD -VDI\Work\ListApps1.txt"

Create a New AVD Remote App Group

#Create New WVD Remote App Groups 
New-RdsAppGroup -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -Name $NameofappGroup1 -ResourceType RemoteApp
Create New WVD RemoteApp Group -  Publish WVD Remote Apps
Create New WVD RemoteApp Group – Publish WVD Remote Apps 4

Publish AVD Remote Apps to RDS Host Pools

The PowerShell commands I used to publish remote apps to RDS Host Pools.

Internet Explorer

#Add AVD Remote Apps - Internet Explorer to WVD Host Pool
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 -Name "My Apps Web Portal iE" -FilePath "C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe" -FriendlyName "Contoso Web App" -IconPath "C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe"

Microsoft Edge

#Add AVD Remote Apps - Microsoft Edge to WVD Host Pool
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup2 -Name "My Apps Web Portal Edge" -FilePath shell:Appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge -IconPath C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets\MicrosoftEdgeSquare44x44.targetsize-72_altform-unplated.png
Publish Microsoft Edge -  Publish WVD Remote Apps
Publish Microsoft Edge – Publish WVD Remote Apps 5

LOB Application

#Add WVD Remote Apps - LOB App to WVD Host Pool
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 -Name "Session B" -AppAlias "sessionb"

Microsoft Word

#Add AVD Remote Apps - Microsoft Word App to WVD Host Pool 
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 -Name "Word" -AppAlias "word"

Microsoft Access

#Add AVD Remote Apps - Microsoft Access to WVD Host Pool 
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 -Name "Access" -AppAlias "Access"

Task Manager

#Add AVD Remote Apps - Task Sequence to WVD Host Pool 
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 -Name "Task Manager" -AppAlias "taskmanager"
Publish Task Manager as RemoteApp -  Publish WVD Remote Apps
Publish Task Manager as RemoteApp – Publish WVD Remote Apps 6

Resource Monitor

#Add WVD Remote Apps - Resource Monitor to WVD Host Pool
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 -Name "Resource Monitor" -AppAlias "resourcemonitor"

Windows Media Player

#Add Windows Media Player to RDS Host Pool 
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 -Name "Windows Media Player" -AppAlias "windowsmediaplayer"

Microsoft PowerPoint

 #Add Power Point to RDS Host Pool  
New-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup1 -Name "Power Point" -AppAlias "powerpoint"

Add User to RDS Host Pool

With this command, you add or publish the remote apps to a user.

#Add users to a RDS Remote App Group
Add-RdsAppGroupUser -TenantName  $tenant -HostPoolName $hostpoolname -AppGroupName $NameofappGroup2 -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName
Add Users to Remote App Group - Publish WVD Remote Apps
Add Users to Remote App Group – Publish WVD Remote Apps 7


The following are the WVD Remote Apps published to the user profile.

Learn How to Publish AVD Remote Apps with PowerShell 1
Learn How to Publish AVD Remote Apps with PowerShell 8


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