Maximum Size Cap for Intune Win32 App is Increased Now

Exciting News! The maximum size cap for the Intune Win32 App has increased now. Microsoft allows users to deploy larger applications to their Windows devices. Win32 is the 32-bit application programming interface (API) for the 32-bit version of Windows.

The file size of the Win32 Apps is one of the significant problems affected by Users. Before last month, users could only add a maximum of 8GB of file size for the Intune Win32 App. This was the major limitation of the Intune Win32 App.

Now, users can add more significant files than 8GB because Microsoft increased the Maximum Size Cap for the Intune Win32 app from 8GB to 30 GB. It is excellent news for users and is used to deploy a large Win32 app to Microsoft Intune.

Many Prerequisites are needed Before adding a Win32 App in Microsoft Intune. Windows application size must not be greater than 30GB per app. This blog post will help you learn more about the Intune Win32 App.

Patch My PC
Maximum Size Cap for Intune Win32 App is Increased Now - Fig.1
Maximum Size Cap for Intune Win32 App is Increased Now – Fig.1

Maximum Size Cap for Intune Win32 App is Increased Now

Microsoft Intune now allows users to deploy a 30GB size app. You must follow the prerequisites for the Win32 app up to 30GB. The following are the prerequisites of Win32 app management.

Prerequisites for the Win32 App
Admins must use Windows 10 version 1607 or later (Enterprise. Pro, or Education editions)
You can use Microsoft Entra registered for enrollment
You can use Microsoft Entra registered for enrollment
Microsoft Entra joined
The device must be enrolled in Intune
Maximum Size Cap for Intune Win32 App is Increased Now – Table.1
Maximum Size Cap for Intune Win32 App is Increased Now - Fig.2
Maximum Size Cap for Intune Win32 App is Increased Now – Fig.2

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Gopika S Nair is a computer enthusiast. She loves writing on Windows 11 and related technologies. She is here to share quick tips and tricks with Windows 11 or Windows 10 users. She is Post Graduate Diploma Holder in Computer Science.

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