Manage App Settings options in Windows 11

Hi, let’s discuss about the Apps Settings options in Windows 11. The App is an essential factor in every device. If we do not manage Apps, that will also affect the device. The app settings are also used as a customizable option for the users.

The App setting in Windows is very easy to use and gives you a user-friendly experience. The app setting option is very simple and contains on/off controls for user customizations for every app. App settings in Windows are the choices and settings that users can change for each app on their device.

App settings can also change how apps work with other apps, files, and links on the device. There are different ways to access and manage app settings in Windows. The app settings option gives you various kinds of app setting sections.

In this article, you will get the complete details of the app settings and how to use them. You can control and manage the apps in the app section. You can also have the option to uninstall, update, etc.

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What are the Features of the App Settings in Windows 11?

Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11

App settings are an essential factor in settings. Through app settings, users can manage app settings and customize them. There are many features for app settings, which are given below.

1. You can view and manage installed apps
2. It allows default apps for various file types and apps
3. It allows you to add or remove optional features
4. It helps you to download maps in Offline

Apps Settings Options in Windows 11

There are different ways to access and manage app settings in Windows. One of the most common ways is to use the Settings app, which is a built-in app that lets users change different settings for the system and the apps.

  • Click on the Start Menu
  • Select Settings from the Start Menu
Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Fig.1
Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Fig.1

After opening the Settings, you can see the different sections of setting categories. In those categories, you can see the App section. Click on the Apps tab to manage apps on your device. The below table and screenshot will guide you.

App SettingsUsed to
Installed AppsUninstall and manage the app on your PC
Advanced App settingsChoose where to get Apps, archive apps, uninstall updates
Default AppsDefaults for file and link types, other defaults
Offline Mapsyou can download the storage location, map updates
Optional featuresIt gives the extra functionality for the device
Apps for websitesIt allows websites that can open in the app instead of a browser
Video PlaybackIt allows video adjustments, HDR streaming, battery options
StartupApps that start automatically when you sign in
Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Table.1
Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Fig.2
Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Fig.2

1. Installed Apps

You can see all the installed applications on your device in the Installed App section. With this option, you can manage your apps on your PC. Click on the Apps section and select the installed app section.

Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Fig.3
Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Fig.3

After clicking on the Installed Apps option, you can see all the installed apps on your device. With this option, you can see all the details of the installed apps, and you can filter this option and sort by when you installed the app by the time and size. In the installed app, you have the option to uninstall the apps that you want.

Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Fig.4
Manage App Settings options in Windows 11- Fig.4

2. Advanced App Settings

With this Advanced App setting option, you know where to get apps from and whether you want to see app recommendations when installing an app from outside of the Microsoft Store.

Options of Advanced App SettingsUsed to
Choose where to get apps You know where to get apps from other than the Microsoft store
Share across devicesContinue app experience on other devices connected to your account, and you can view apps and services through your accounts.
Archive appsAutomatically archive your infrequently used apps to save storage space and internet bandwidth.
App execution aliasesApps can declare a name used to run the app from a command prompt. If multiple apps use the same name, you have the option to choose
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11 – Table . 2
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.5
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.5

3. Default Apps

Default options are the next feature on the Setting app. The users can choose which app will open by default for specific file types or link types using the Default Apps subcategory in the Settings app. This option also gives so many options to set your Default apps. The below screenshot will guide you.

Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.6
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.6

4. Offline Maps

Offline Maps are the best way to find locations offline. Users can also choose the maps’ storage location, update frequency, and language. With this option, you can download maps offline. The below screenshot shows the Offline Maps.

  • Click on the Apps
  • Select Offline Maps

Read MoreDownload and Use Offline Maps in Windows

Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.7
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.7

5. Optional Features

Optional features are the feature of app settings. In this option, you can add or remove to extend the system’s functionalities. Some features are already on your computer, and you can enable them from the “More Windows Features” page. Other features must be downloaded from the internet, and you can install them through the Settings app.

Installed Features
Extend theme content
Facial recognition(Windows Hello)
Internet Explorer mode
Math recognizer
Open SSH client
Step recorder
Windows media player legacy
Windows Powershell ISE
XPS viewer
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Table. 3
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.8
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.8

6. Apps for Websites

In the Apps for Websites option, Users can choose which app will handle certain web links using the Apps for Websites subcategory in the Settings app. It allows websites that can open in the app instead of a browser. To open this app for the Websites option,

  • Click on the Apps
  • Select Apps for Websites
  • Select any of the apps to open links in an app instead of a browser
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.9
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.9

7. Video Playback

You can adjust the Video, HDR streaming, and battery options in the playback option. In this option, you can see many options that are used for video and battery settings. Also, it provides a preview video that shows how the video looks when you change the current settings.

  • To access this option, click the settings app and select the video playback options.
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.10
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.10

8. Startup

The Startup option is the final and essential feature of app settings. This feature lets you set apps that start automatically when you sign in. There are many applications available for you. You can turn on or off the option automatically opening when you sign in.

For example, I don’t need to open Canva automatically when I sign in, so I can turn off the Canvas option by toggling the pane to the left.

  • Click on the Apps
  • Select Startup option
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.11
Manage App Settings Options in Windows 11- Fig.11

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Krishna. R is a computer enthusiast. She loves writing on Windows 11 and Intune-related technologies. She likes to share her knowledge, quick tips, and tricks with Windows 11 or Windows 10 with the community.

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