SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr

This post covers SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr. After installing KB4578605, the ConfigMgr Console has a known issue.

The console terminated unexpectedly, and Microsoft released another KB4575786 to fix this issue.

Another issue related to SCCM 2006 HFRU is that Co-management Enrollment Takes Longer. This KB4575787 is a standalone Out-of-Band Hotfix update that should be applied to fix that issue.

Microsoft also released the latest version of ConfigMgr 2010. The production version includes all these latest fixes and a long list of new features.

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Superseded Hotfixes of ConfigMgr 2006
Primary Server Install Update Rollup KB4575789
Secondary Server Update
Version Details
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr – Table 1

Superseded Hotfixes of ConfigMgr 2006

The following are the superseded updates with the revised update rollup hotfix KB4575789. The revised update is not required if you have installed the update rollup (KB4578605). However, you must ensure the rest of the updates are installed separately.

  • KB 4578605 Update rollup for ConfigMgr current branch, version 2006
  • KB 4575786 Configuration Manager console terminates unexpectedly on SCCM version 2006
  • KB 4575787 Co-management enrollment takes longer than expected for SCCM clients
  • KB 4575788 Client setup is unable to download contents from a cloud distribution point
  • KB 4575790 Client setup is unable to download contents from a cloud distribution point
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr - Fig.1
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr – Fig.1

Primary Server Install Update Rollup KB4575789

The installation process of Hotfix Rollup for ConfigMgr 2006 Primary Server is similar to all the other Hotfix installations. You must install the hotfix on the CAS or the stand-alone primary server.


The child primary servers shall get automatically updated.

  • Launch the Configuration Manager Console,
  • Select the Administration tab,
  • Expand Overview -> Select Updates and Services

NOTE! – Ensure the update is already downloaded into the primary server.

SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr - Fig.2
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr – Fig.2

The update Configuration Manager 2006 Hotfix Rollup KB4575789 is Ready to install stage

  • Right-click on the update and click on Install Update Pack
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr - Fig.3
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr – Fig.3

Click Next and Select Client Update Settings.

  • Click on Next.
  • Accept the license and click on Next to continue.
  • Click Next and close to start the ConfigMgr 2006 Hotfix Rollup update (KB4575789).
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr - Fig.4
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr – Fig.4

Secondary Server Update

In previous blog posts, I explained how to install hotfixes on SCCM secondary servers. I will let you read through the Secondary Server Hotfix Installation Guide, Fix Secondary Server Recovery Failed Issue, and Secondary Server Hotfix Installation Status.

Don’t worry about the configurations of the secondary site after the recovery; they will stay intact. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • To update a secondary site in the ConfigMgr console.
  • Click Administration, Site Configuration, Sites, and Recover Secondary Site.
  • Then, select the secondary site you want to upgrade.
  • The primary site then reinstalls that secondary site by using the updated files.
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr - Fig.5
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr – Fig.5

Version Details

After the revised rollup update for Configuration Manager 2006 is successfully updated, the following will be the version details.

Console VersionSite VersionFull VersionClient VersionBuild Number
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr – Table 2
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr - Fig.6
SCCM 2006 Revised Update Rollup Hotfix KB4575789 ConfigMgr – Fig.6


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Anoop C Nair is Microsoft MVP! He is a Device Management Admin with more than 20 years of experience (calculation done in 2021) in IT. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group HTMD Community leader. His primary focus is Device Management technologies like SCCM 2012, Current Branch, and Intune. He writes about ConfigMgr, Windows 11, Windows 10, Azure AD, Microsoft Intune, Windows 365, AVD, etc.

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